Staff Exchange

Erasmus+ program- European Commission Scholarship for teachers and staff 

  Country Maximum

Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Sweden, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Norway, Finland, Denmark

Third countries not associated to the Programme from Region 14

Third countries not associated to the Programme from Regions 1- 12

180€ per day

Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Malta, Portugal

Third countries not associated to the Programme from Region 13

160€ per day
  Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Croatia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Serbia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Slovenia, Slovakia 140€ per day

Erasmus+ program- European Commission travel grant

Travel distance  Travel grant
10-99 km max 23€
100-499 km max 180€
500-1999 km max 275€
2000-2999 km max 360€
3000-3999 km max 530€
4000-7999 km max 820€
8000km -.... max 1500€


Travel distance  Travel grant for green travel
100-499 km max 210€
500-1999 km max 320€
2000-2999 km max 410€
3000-3999 km max 610€


Travel distances must be calculated using the distance calculator supported by the European Commission:

The applicant must indicate the distance of a one-way travel to calculate the amount of the EU grant that will support the round trip.

Incoming Staff Mobility

For Erasmus+ incoming staff for training and teaching, please contact International Relations Project Manager, Ms. Sheila Süda or directly one of our Head of Departments for the relevant research area.

Erasmus+ Credit Mobility

International Credit Mobility is an Erasmus+ sub-programme supporting mobility of academic and non-academic staff and students between higher education institutions from programme and partner countries (non-EU countries).

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility gives staff the ability to participate in exchange programs at partner universities outside of the European Union. Exchange is possible with universities with whom Estonian Business School has signed an Erasmus+ agreement depending on the extent of funding that will be granted for projects. 

Duration of mobility:

  • 5 days (without travel days) for teaching
  • 5 days (without travel days) for training


Mobility for the purposes of teaching has an additional requirement concerning duration – a minimum of 8 teaching hours per week.


The funding consists of two parts:
1.    Travel support (calculated with the travel distance calculator)

travel distance amount
Between 10 - 99 km:     23 EUR per participant
Between 100 - 499 km:  180 EUR per participant
Between 500 - 1999 km:  275 EUR per participant
Between 2000 - 2999 km:  360 EUR per participant
Between 3000 - 3999 km:  530 EUR per participant
Between 4000 - 7999 km:   820 EUR per participant
8000 KM and more:  1500 EUR per participant


2. Subsistence support:


  • Incoming staff to EBS 140 EUR per day
  • Outgoing staff from EBS 180 EUR per day

Currently, EBS has one ongoing projects in cooperation with South-Africa, Georgia and Isreal.

Erasmus+ Credit Mobility project applications can be initiated by the faculty. 

Ask for more information from the Project Manager Sheila Süda (