Doctoral Theses

year doctoral theses AUTHOR

Individual competencies and organisational support mechanisms to enhance virtual team success
Supervisors: Docent Peter Zettinig, Turku School of Economics, Finland
Professor Eriikka Paavilainen-Mäntymäki, Turku School of Economics, Finland
Senior Lecturer Marge Täks, PhD, Estonian Business School

Opponent: Professor Jakob Lauring Aarhus University, Denmark
*International dual doctorate, defence taking place at the University of Turku 

Sirja Sulakatko

Analysing Interorganisational Activities Between Cultural and Creative Industries and Other Sectors on A Managerial Level
Supervisor: Professor, Rector Emeritus Arno Almann, PhD
Estonian Business School
Opponents: Docent Mervi Luonila, DMus in Arts Management
Center for Cultural Policy Research CUPORE, Finland,
Assistant Professor Ellen Loots, PhD, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Kristiina Urb
2024 Intellectual Property as An Element of The Public Support System for Small and Medium Enterprises
Supervisors: Professor Tiit Elenurm, Ph.D., Estonian Business School, Adjunct Professor Katrin Nyman-Metcalf, Ph.D., Department of Law, School of Business and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology
Opponents: Professor Frantzeska Papadopoulou, Juris Doktor, Law Faculty, Stockholm University, Sweden, Associate Professor Mervi Raudsaar, Ph.D. Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Economics and Business Administration, University of Tartu
Pawan Kumar Dutt

The Effects of External Group Supervision on Individual Professional Performance of Estonian Social Workers 

Supervisors:   Professor Kaire Põder, Ph.D., Estonian Business School, Professor Ruth Alas, Ph.D., Estonian Business School

Opponents: Associate Professor Judit Strömpl, Ph.D., Faculty of Social  Sciences, Institute of Social Studies, University of Tartu  

Airi Mitendorf, Ph.D., Development Manager, The National Institute for Health Development 

Tiina Merkuljeva

Situation Similarity Calculus Based Modeling of Decision-Making Process in Urban Transportation Management

Supervisor:   Professor Peeter Lorents, Ph.D., Estonian Business School, Estonia

Opponents: Dr. Gabriel Jakobson, Ph.D., Chief Scientist, CyberGem Consulting, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA

Assistant Professor Robert Dygas, PhD., SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland

Maryna Averkyna


A Contingent Relationship Between Corporate Social and Financial Performance: The Role of Information Demand and The Signaling Environment

Supervisor:   Senior Lecturer Alar Kein, Ph.D., Estonian Business School, Estonia

Opponents: Associate Professor Lenno Uusküla, Ph.D., University of Tartu, Estonia, Chief Economist, Luminor Estonia

Assistant Professor Silvia Blasi, Ph.D., University of Verona, Italy

Renee Pesor

Managerial Perspectives on Fostering Intrapreneurship in Organisations Through Education and Training

Supervisors:  Professor Olav Aarna, PhD., D.Sc., Estonian Business School, Estonia

Senior Lecturer Marge Täks, Ph.D., Estonian Business School, Estonia

Opponents:   Professor Alexandre Ardichvili, Ph.D., Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA

Professor Mathew Hughes, Ph.D., School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University, United Kingdom

Mart Kikas


The Dark and the Bright Side of Empowering Leadership: the Role of Empathy in Times of Uncertainty

Supervisors:   Mario Martínez-Córcoles, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Valencia, Spain

Professor Ruth Alas, Ph.D., Estonian Business School, Estonia

Opponents:   Professor Levente Littvay, Ph.D., Central European  University, Budapest, Hungary.

Associate Professor, Kurmet Kivipõld, Ph.D., University of Tartu, Estonia.

Konstantinos Stephanou


Organizational Performance Evaluation in Cultural and Creative Industries Organizations: The Example of Estonia

Supervisor: Ülle Pihlak, PhD, senior lecturer, Estonian Business School
Professor Toomas Haldma, PhD, University of Tartu

Opponents: Professor Annick Schramme, PhD, Antwerp Management School

Professor Martin Piber, PhD, The University of Innsbruck

Marge Sassi

The Impact of Total Quality Management on Business Performance: Evidence from the Estonian Tourism Sector

Supervisor: professor Kaire Põder, PhD, Estonian Business School

professor Katri Kerem, Ph.D., Estonian Business School

Opponents: Dr Declan P Bannon, PhD, AFG College with the University of Aberdeen, Scotland

Dr Brent McKenzie, PhD, University of Guelph, Canada

Triin Veideman

Responsible Management Education: Practices, Challenges, and Prospects

Supervisors: Professor Olav Aarna, PhD, Estonian Business School

Professor Mari Kooskora, PhD, Estonian Business School

Opponents: Professor Anders Ragnar Örtenblad, PhD, Professor of Work Life Science, University of Agder, Norway
Nikodemus Solitander, PhD, Sinituote Postdoctoral Researcher of Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility, Hanken School of Economics, Finland.

Hala A. Abdelgaffar


A Process-Trace of Selected Innovation- and Technology-Led Economic Growth Factors and Their Implications For Estonia´s Economic Development

Supervisor: professor Olav Aarna, PhD, Estonian Business School

Opponents: professor Hannu Ruonavaara, Professor of Sociology, University of Turku, Finland
Ott Pärna, PhD, School of Economics and Business Administration, University of Tartu

Andrew Adjah Sai


Inclusion of Values in a Country-Level Typology of Corporate Governance Systems
Supervisor: professor Mike Wahl, PhD, Estonian Business School
Opponents: professor Emeritus Tom Berglund, Dr.Sc. (Econ.), Department of Economics, Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Dr. Mare Ainsaar, PhD, Senior Research Fellow in Sociology and Social Policy, Institute of Social Studies, University of Tartu


Supriya Banerjee

Sustainability of the Regional Airline Model in the Legal Framework of the European Union
Supervisor: professor Kaire Põder, PhD, Estonian Business School
Opponents: professor Manuela Tvaronavičienė, PhD, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania & Enno Lend, PhD, Tallinn University of Applied Sciences, Estonia

Sven Kukemelk

Determinants of Market Entry Mode For Finnish SMEs Entering Neighbouring Catch-Up and Emerging Markets
Supervisor: Professor Tiit Elenurm, PhD, Estonian Business School
Opponents: Professor Gunnar Prause, Dr. math., Faculty of Business, Business Informatics, University of Wismar, Germany
Professor Arto Ojala, PhD in Econ. School of Marketing and Communication, International Business University of Vaasa, Finland


Faisal Shahzad

Young Students´ Online Social Networking Readiness For Entrepreneurship in Small Developing European Economies

Supervisor: professor Tiit Elenurm, PhD, Estonian Business School

Opponents: Mervi Raudsaar, PhD, University of Tartu & professor Andrea Gelei, PhD, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary

Oliana Sula


Books and Biases - the Explanation for Bounded Rationality in Managing Personal Finances

Supervisor: professor Katri Kerem, Ph.D., Estonian Business School

Opponents: professor Liga Peiseniece, D.Sc., BA School of Business and Finance, Latvia & emeritus professor Fred van Raaij, Ph.D., Tilburg University, The Netherlands

Leonore Riitsalu


Emerging Patterns of Digitalization in the Estonian Music Industry

Supervisors: professor Ruth Alas, Ph.D., Estonian Business School & professor Meelis Kitsing, Ph.D., Estonian Business School

Opponents: Professor Tanja Johansson, D.Sc. Econ., Sibelius Academy, Finland & professor Tuomas Auvinen, Ph.D., Aalto University, Finland

Juko-Mart Kõlar


Strategic Management of Economic Development: How Developed Countries Became Developed and Why Georgia Remains A Backward Economy

Supervisor: professor Olav Aarna, Ph.D., Estonian Business School

Opponents: professor Giga Gavtadze, Ph.D., Akaki Tsereteli State University, Georgia & associate professor Diana Eerma, Ph.D., University of Tartu

Givi Kupatadze


Managing the Risk of Discrepancies in Documentary Letters of Credit: Study of Export DLCs in Estonia

Supervisors: professor Olav Aarna, Ph.D., Estonian Business School & professor Tanel Kerikmäe Ph.D., D.Sc., Tallinn University of Technology
Opponents: associate professor Dr. Natalia Konovalova, RISEBA University, Latvia & associate professor Dr. iur. Andres Vutt, University of Tartu

Hamed Alavi
2018 Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment Among Teachers in Egyptian Public Primary Schools 2018
Supervisors: Professor Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School & Associate Professor Riina Koris, Estonian Business School
Opponents: Professor dr. Vilmante Kumpikaite-Valiuniene, Kaunas University of Technology & Maris Zernand-Vilson, PhD, Tallinn University of Technology
Mohamed Mousa
2017 Managing Societal Interactions in the Context of Changed Legal Status of Estonian Public Cultural Organisations
Supervisors: professor Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School & professor Annukka Jyrämä, Aalto University and Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
Opponents: professor dr. Annick Schramme, University of Antwerp & assistant professor Tiina Ritvala, Aalto University School of Business
Kaari Kiitsak-Prikk
2016 Athlete Brand Construction: a Conceptual Framework and a Perspective Based on Fans' Perceptions
Supervisor: professor Katri Kerem, Estonian Business School
Opponents: Dr. Ulla-Riitta Ahlfors, University of Jyväskylä & associate professor Andres Kuusik, University of Tartu
Ali Hasaan
2016 Developing Coaching Culture Through Coaching-Based Leadership Style
Supervisors: professor Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School & professor Olav Aarna, Estonian Business School
Opponents: professor Anu Virovere, Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences & Dr. Krista Tuulik, TLG Hotell
Signe Vesso
2015 Multi-Level Analytical Frameworks for Supporting Cyber Security Legal Decision Making
Password: AgnesKasper
Supervisors: professor Peeter Lorents, Estonian Business School & professor Tanel Kerikmäe, Tallinn University of Technology
Opponents: professor Katrin Merike Nyman-Metcalf, Tallinn University of Technology & associate professor Rain Ottis, Tallinn University of Technology 
Agnes Kasper

Jätkusuutlikkuse suundumused Eesti kohalike omavalitsuse juhtimisinformatsioonis. Tallinna linna juhtumiuuring

Supervisors: associate professor Mari Kooskora, Estonian Business School and associate professor Tarmo Kadak, Tallinn University of Technology
Opponents: associate professor emeritus Mari Meel, Tallinn University of Technology and professor Kaja Tampere, University of Tallinn

Lea Roostalu

Financial Services Innovation in Estonia

Supervisor: professor Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School
Opponents: professor emeritus Mart Sõrg, University of Tartu & professor Tatjana Volkova, BA School of Business and Finance, Latvia

Ly Hõbe
2015 The Effectiveness of Intercultural Persuasive Communication in an Organisational Context: Influencing Factors
Supervisor: professor Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School
Opponents: professor Robert Crane, INEEC Business School & professor emeritus Raimo Nurmi, University of Turku
Elena Pruvli
2015 Adoption and Implementation of New Business Ideas in Estonian Business Organisations
Supervisors: professor Ruth Alas & associate professor Tiit Elenurm, Estonian Business School
Opponents: Milvi Tepp, PhD, Tallinn University of Technology & associate professor Mario Martinez-Corcoles, Tallinn University of Technology
Maris Zernand-Vilson
2014 Finantsjuhtimise integreeritud mudel Eesti avaliku sektori organisatsioonide näitel
Supervisors: professor Arno Almann, Estonian Business School & professor Toomas Haldma, University of Tartu
Opponents: associate professor Tarmo Kadak, Tallinn University of Technology & associate professor Kertu Lääts, University of Tartu
Juta Tikk

A Cost Optimizing Model for IT Security
Supervisor: professor Peeter Lorents, Estonian Business School
Opponents: professor emeritus Leo Võhandu, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia & professor Leo Mõtus, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

Jüri Kivimaa
2013 Differences in Psychological Contracts in Estonia: the Role of Individual and Contextual Factors
Supervisors: professor Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School & Mare Teichmann, PhD, Tallinn University of Technology
Opponents: professor Remi Kouabenan, Universite Pierre Mendes, France & professor Barbara Koyusznik, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Liina Randmann
2013 The Impact of Profit Measurement on the Financial Reporting and Analysis
Supervisors: professor Jaan Alver, Tallinn University of Technology & professor Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School
Opponents: associate professor Ruta Šneidere, University of Latvia, Latvia & associate professor Alla Ozeran, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Ukraine.
Maret Branten
2012 An Evaluation of State-Level Strategies Against Botnets in the Context of Cyber Conflicts
Supervisor: professor Peeter Lorents, Estonian Business School
Opponents: Gabriel Jakobson, PhD, Chief Scientist, Altusys Corporation, USA & professor emeritus Leo Võhandu, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia.
Christian Günter Czosseck

Change Management in Indian Organizations Compared to Chinese and Estonian Organizations
Supervisor: professor Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School
Opponents: professor Kondur Harigopal, Institute of Advanced Management Education and Entrepreneurship, India & Vello Rääk, PhD, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. 

Ülle Pihlak
2012 Strategic Management and Optimization System of Military Resources (Based on the Example of the Estonian Defence Forces)
Supervisors: professor Peeter Lorents & professor Olav Aarna, Estonian Business School
Opponents: dotsent J. F. M. Ugedo, University of Murcia, Spain & professor J.B.M. Kassarjian, Babson College, USA. 
Maritana Sedõševa

An Analysis of Factors in Developing a Cross-Border Knowledge Region: the Case of Helsinki and Tallinn City-Regions
Supervisor: professor Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School
Opponents: professor Tõnu Oja, University of Tartu, Estonia & professor Vilmante Kumpikaite, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Merle Krigul
2010 Territoriaalne kogukond ja selle juhtimise õiguslik korraldus
Supervisor: professor Arno Almann, Estonian Business School
Opponents: Mikk Lõhmus, PhD, Estonia & professor Kalle Merusk, University of Tartu, Estonia
Urmas Arumäe
2010 Cross-Border Cooperation Institutional Organisation and its Role in Regional Development
Supervisors: professor Arno Almann, Estonian Business School & Erik Terk, PhD, Tallinn University
Opponents: professor Tõnu Oja, University of Tartu, Estonia & professor emeritus Jaak Leimann, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Katri-Liis Lepik
2010 Human Resource Management in Estonian Organisations: Formation of the Characteristics in the Institutional and Cultural Context
Supervisor: professor Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School
Opponents: associate professor Vilmante Kumpikaite, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania & professor emeritus Raimo Nurmi, Turku School of Economics, Finland
Tõnu Kaarelson
2011 Human Resource and Reputational Crises in Chinese Organisations
Supervisor: professor Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School
Opponents: professor emeritus Raimo Nurmi, Turku School of Economics, Finland & associate professor Vilmante Kumpikaite, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania 
Junhong Gao
2009 Strategy Creation in a Restructuring Environment the Case of an Estonian Fixed Telecommunications Operator Transferring to a Competitive Market in 1993 - 2003
Supervisor: professor Alari Purju, Estonian Business School
Opponents: professor Erik Terk, Tallinn University, Estonia & professor emeritus Raimo Nurmi, Turku School of Economics, Finland
Sven Heil

The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility, and Organisational and Individual Factors on the Innovation Climate
Supervisor: professor Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School 
Opponents: professor Asta Pundzienė, ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania & professor emeritus Raimo Nurmi, Turku School of Economics, Finland

Ülle Übius
2009 Organizational Changes in Chinese Companies Content, Readiness and Process (2001 - 2007)
Supervisor: professor Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School
Opponents: professor Asta Pundzienė, ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania & professor emeritus Raimo Nurmi, Turku School of Economics, Finland
Wei Sun

Leadership in transitional Estonia on the way to European Union
Supervisors: professor Raoul Üksvärav, Tallinn University of Technology & professor Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School
Opponents: professor emeritus Raimo Nurmi, Turku School of Economics, Finland & professor Nancy Papalexandris, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

Krista Tuulik