In the last days of June, a PhD Summer School in Economics, Management, Political Science, Law and Public Administration took place in Haapsalu for all doctoral students in Estonia.
„I am really proud of the EBS team at the PhD summerschool,“ says universities’ marketing professor Katri Kerem. „Our team performed very successfully.“
There’s a reason to be proud – EBS’s PhD student Piret Masso’s article „Employer benefits affecting the employees’ intention to leave in different age groups“, co-authored by Krista Jaakson and Kaire Põder, won the best paper award.
„Our PhD students were frequently complemented for high level of their work and considering the size of EBS our 10 member team was well visible,“ Kerem adds.
PhD students from Estonian Business School Ilona Beliatskaya, Pavel Prokushenkov, Piret Masso, Scott Abel, Terhi Kärpänen, Timo Savolainen, Mohammad Abu Sayed Toyon participated in the summer school. In addition, lecturers Jukka Mäkinen, Kaire Põder ja Katri Kerem.
Doctoral School in Economics and Innovation is a partnership between University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn University, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonian Business School and Bank of Estonia.
The aim of the PhD Summer School was to develop PhD students’ presentation skills as well as their qualification of doing research, and enhance both intra-, interdistsiplinary and international research co-operation. The summer school offered various work formats: doctoral working paper sessions, doctoral poster session, guest lectures on specific topics, workshops etc, accompanied by social activities.