The Innovation & Entrepreneurship focus group is a dynamic community of scholars and visionaries passionate about exploring the frontiers of innovation and fostering entrepreneurial spirit. Our diverse team investigates the intricate processes of ideation, creation, and commercialization, aiming to unravel the secrets behind successful ventures and disruptive innovations. From cutting-edge technology startups to social enterprises, we delve into the complexities of entrepreneurship across sectors and contexts. Through rigorous research, experiential learning, and industry collaboration, we strive to inspire and equip the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and drive positive change in society. Join us as we chart new territories, challenge conventional wisdom, and shape the future of innovation and entrepreneurship.
PhD candidates
Mihkel Kaevats, Pooja Gaurav Kohli, Kaie Koppel, Ahto Kuuseok, Henri Lindal, Brigit Linnamäe, Heidi Vähänikkilä, Shuyun Zhao, Mehruba Shabaab Haque
PhDs completed
Mart Kikas (2022) Managerial Perspectives on Fostering Intrapreneurship in Organisations Through Education and Training
Andrew Adjah Sai (2020) A Process-Trace of Selected Innovation- and Technology-Led Economic Growth Factors and Their Implications For Estonia´s Economic Development
Faisal Shahzad (2020) Determinants of market entry mode for Finnish SMEs entering neighbouring catch-up and emerging markets
Oliana Sula (2019) Young Students´ Online Social Networking Readiness for Entrepreneurship in Small Developing European Economies
Ly Hõbe (2015) Financial Services Innovation in Estonia
Ülle Pihlak (2012) Change Management in Indian Organizations Compared to Chinese and Estonian Organizations
Micro-degrees offered
Ongoing training projects
Supporting entrepreneurship education in Ukraine in line with European values
Funding: ___EUR
Project Coordinator at EBS: ____
Funder: EstDev
Duration: ____
Funding: 212 191 EUR
Project Leader: Marge Täks
Funder: Interreg
Duration: 01.09.2025 - 30.11.2025
Completed institution-building projects:
Systematic Development of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education at all levels of education
Funding: 225 000 EUR
Project Leader: Toomas Danneberg
Funder: Ministry of Education and Research
Duration: 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018
Launching an entrepreneurship competence centre at Ternopil Business School
Project Coordinator: Aarna, Olav
Funding: 99 000 EUR
Funder: Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Duration: 01.05.2017–31.12.2018
Developing Interdisciplinary Pre-Incubation Model in Product Innovation and Establishing Co-Working Space for Implementing the Model at Akaki Tsereteli State University, in Kutaisi, West-Georgia
Funding: 51365 (47885)
Project Leader: Toomas Danneberg
Funder: Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Duration: 01.06.2016 - 31.05.2017
Completed research projects:
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
Funding: 7 210 EUR
Project Leader: Tiit Elenurm
Funder: Estonian Development Fund
Duration: 02.01.2012–31.12.2014
Completed training projects:
Change management for building new business models
Project Leader: Meelis Kitsing
Funding: 106 400 EUR
Funder: ESTDEV
Duration: 01.10.2022-31.04.2024
Research publications
Bäck, A., Muhos, M. & Virkkala, P. (Early online) “Innovation in microenterprises in the 21st century: a systematic literature review”, International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 1−20.
Ashyrov, Gaygysyz; & Tasane, Helery (2023) “The roles of foreign and domestic ownership in the corruption–firm innovation nexus”, Bulletin of Economic Research, 1−36.
Kerner, Riina & Kitsing, Meelis (2023). “Matching policy goals with entrepreneurial aspirations for smart transition in Estonian cities”, In: Robert Dygas; Prana Krishna Biswas (Ed.). Smart cities in Europe and Asia. (16−30). 12.06.2023 Routledge.
Bäck, Anneli & Taipale-Erävala, Kyllikki (2023) “Business development in growth-oriented microenterprises: enhancing innovation capability”, International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 22 (2), 171−194.
Kooskora, Mari & Vilumets, Ülane. (2021). “The Role of Meaningful Work in the Context of Startup Events and Entrepreneurial Activities” In: Nayan Mitra, René Schmidpeter (Ed.). Corporate Social Responsibility in Rising Economies. (31−50). Springer. (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance).
Wannamakok, W.; Chang; Y. Y.; & Täks, M. (2020). “The relationship between institutional environments and entrepreneurial intention in Estonia: mediating roles of desirability and feasibility.” Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 8 (2), 111−126
Elenurm, T.; Tafel-Viia, K.; Lassur, S. & Hansen, K. (2019). “Opportunities of the entrepreneurship education for enhancing cooperation between start-up entrepreneurs and business angels”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 38 (3), 379−394.
Banerjee, S.; Wahl, M. F.; Panigrahi, J. K. (2018). “Technology, innovation and knowledge transfer: A value chain perspective”, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 9 (1), 1145−1161.
Alas, R.; Elenurm, T.; Rozell, E. J. & Scroggins, W. A. (2018). “Entrepreneurship Success Factors in High and Low Early Stage Entrepreneurship Intensity Countries” In: Serena Cubico; Giuseppe Favretto; João Leitão; Uwe Cantner (Ed.). Entrepreneurship and the Industry Life Cycle. (231−245). Cham: Springer.
Tafel-Viia, Külliki; Terk, Erik; Lassur, Silja & Viia, Andres (2015). Creative industries in the capital cities of the Baltic States: Are there innovations in urban policy? Moravian Geographical Reports, 23 (4), 47−58.
Elenurm, T. & Heil, P. (2015). “Education and other competency sources for financially successful entrepreneurship”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 25 (3), 314−330.
Elenurm, Tiit (2004). “Estonian perspectives of international entrepreneurship”, Handbook of Research on International Entrepreneurship. (370−382). UK, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Übius, Ü., Alas, R., Elenurm, T. (2013). “Impact of innovation climate on individual and organisational level factors in Asia and Europe”, Journal of Business Economics and Management, 14 (1), 1−21.
Alas, R.; Übius, Ü. & Gaal, M.A. (2013). Organisational Culture as Predictor of Innovation Climate
In Prause, G.; Venesaar, U.; Kersten, W. (eds) International Business: Baltic Business Development. (169−185). Berlin: Peter Lang GmbH.
Übius, Ü. & Alas, R. (2012). The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Innovation Climate.
Engineering Economics, 23 (3), 310−318.