Institutional Economics & Political Economy

The thematic R&D group on Institutional Economics and Political Economy brings together a collaborative community of scholars, driven by a shared passion for understanding how institutions shape the political economy and vice versa how political economy choices shape the institutions in the economy. At the intersection of economics, political science, and sociology, our group is committed to advancing knowledge and understanding of the complex interactions between institutions, politics, and economic systems. More specifically, being interested in Institutional Economics, they explore the impact of institutions, both formal and informal, on economic behavior and outcomes. From the rules and regulations governing markets to the cultural norms shaping societal interactions, our researchers delve into the mechanisms that influence economic decision-making at individual, organizational, and societal levels. Simultaneously, their exploration extends to the realm of Political Economy, where we scrutinize the symbiotic relationship between economic forces and political structures. They seek to unravel the ways in which political institutions, ideologies, and power dynamics shape economic policies, and conversely, how economic conditions influence political processes. This interdisciplinary approach allows the team to grasp the complexities of governance, policy-making, and their profound impact on economic development. 

Gaygysyz Ashyrov

Gaygysyz Ashyrov, PhD

Senior Researcher
Karmo Kroos

Karmo Kroos, PhD

Research and Development Programme Officer
Meelis Kitsing

Meelis Kitsing, PhD

Jukka Veikko Mäkinen

Jukka Veikko Mäkinen, PhD

David McBee

David McBee, PhD

Senior Lecturer
Niveditha Prabakaran Pankova

Niveditha Prabakaran Pankova, PhD

Assistant Professor
Kaire Põder

Kaire Põder, PhD

Hardo Pajula

Hardo Pajula


PhD candidates

Ville Forsby (extern), Riina Kerner, Ahto Kuuseok and Pavel Prokushenkov 


PhDs completed

  • Givi Kupatadze (2018). Strategic Management of Economic Development in Post-Soviet Countries: Why Georgia Failed and How Estonia Succeeded 

  • Katri-Liis Lepik. (2010). Cross-Border Cooperation Organisation and its Role in Regional Development 

  • Merle Krigul (2012). An Analysis of Factors in Developing a Cross-Border Knowledge Region: the Case of Helsinki and Tallinn City-Regions 


Summer Schools


Ongoing R&D projects


Multilevel Orders of Corruption in Central Asia (MOCCA) 

Project Coordinator at EBS: Gaygysyz Ashyrov 

Funder: European Research Executive Agency (HORIZON- MSCA Staff Exchanges) 

Funding: 105800 EUR 

Duration: 01.01.2023-31.12.2026  



Consultancy and Policy Analysis: 

Estonia and Asia: report on future relations 

Principal investigator: Meelis Kitsing 

Funder: Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

Funding: 12 980 EUR 

Duration: 01.07.2021–31.07.2022 


Nutika spetsialiseerumise seiresüsteem 

Principal investigator: Meelis Kitsing 

Funder: University of Tartu  

Funding: 2 500 EUR 

Duration: 09.03.2021–31.05.2021 


Research Publications

Ashyrov, Gaygysyz & Tasane, Helery. (2023). “The roles of foreign and domestic ownership in the corruption–firm innovation nexus”, Bulletin of Economic Research, 1−36. 


Tasane, Helery; Ashyrov, Gaygysyz & Srun, Sopheak (2023). “Institutions and R&D engagement of SMEs in Laos”, Post-Communist Economies, 1−19.  


Ashyrov, Gaygysyz & Ivanov, Denis (2023). “Mega‐events and human rights violations: Empirical evidence from the long‐term perspective”, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 1−22. 


Kerner, Riina & Kitsing, Meelis (2023). “Small is beautiful and important: economies and firms trading in digital services”, Journal of Business Economics and Management, 1(24), 93−111. 


Ashyrov, Gaygysyz & Lukason, Oliver (2022). “Political Connectedness and Financial Performance of SMEs”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15 (12).  


Kitsing, Meelis. (2022). “Geopolitical Risk and Uncertainty: How Transnational Corporations Can Use Scenario Planning for Strategic Resilience”, Transnational Corporations Review, 14 (4), 339−352.   


Kitsing, Meelis (2021). “FDI outflow from China to EU countries - Exploring Alternative Futures for Chinese Investments in European Digital Platforms” In: Prana Krishna Biswas, Robert Dygas (Ed.). Asian Foreign Direct Investment in Europe. (91−101). London: Routledge.  


Kitsing, Meelis. (2021). The Political Economy of Digital Ecosystems: Scenario Planning for Alternative Futures, London: Routledge. 


Lipscomb, Molly & Prabakaran, Niveditha (2020). “Property rights and deforestation: Evidence from the Terra Legal land reform in the Brazilian Amazon”, World Development, 129, ARTN 104854.  


Banerjee, Supriya; Wahl & Mike Franz. (2020). “Corporate Governance and Values: Postulating a New Typology of Corporate Governance Systems Including Values” In: Richard Brunet-Thornton (Ed.). Examining Cultural Perspectives in a Globalized World. (175−207). IGI Global.  


Meriläinen, Eija; Mäkinen, Jukka & Solitander, Nikodemus. (2020). “Blurred Responsibilities of Disaster Governance: The American Red Cross in the US and Haiti”, Politics and Governance, 8 (4), 331−342. 


Nagatsu, M. & Põder, K. (2019). “What is the economic concept of choice? An experimental philosophy study”, Economics and Philosophy, 35 (3), 461−478.  


Tupits, A. (2018). “The Single Currency and the UK”. In: Ramiro, Troitiño D., Kerikmäe, T., Chochia, A. (Eds) Brexit: History, Reasoning and Perspectives. (175−185). Springer.  


Alas, R.; Elenurm, T.; Allikmäe, T. & Varts, R. (2018). “Acquisition in the banking sector in the transition process to the market economy” In: S. Y. Tarba, Sir C. L. Cooper, R. M. Sarala, M. F. Ahammad (Ed.). Mergers and acquisitions in practice. (222−239). Abingdon: Routledge. 


Pajula, Hardo & Raidla, Peeter (2017). Jäämurdjad : Eesti kapitalismi lugu. Tallinn: Eesti Tööandjate Keskliit / Äripäev. 


Kroos, Karmo (2015). “Developmental Welfare Capitalism in East Asia with a Special Emphasis on South Korea”, In: Bernhard Seliger, Jüri Sepp & Ralph Wrobel (Ed.). East Asia and Eastern Europe in a Globalized Perspective. Lessons from Korea and Estonia. (107−162). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Publishers. (Ordnungspolitische Dialoge; 5). 


Steger, T., Alas, R. & Tafel-Viia, K. (2015). “‘Good’ Corporate Governance in Transformation Countries —A Comparison of Experts’ Perceptions in East Germany, Estonia and Hungary” In: Sabri Boubaker and Duc K. Nguyen (Ed.). Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibilty: Emerging Markets Focus. (27−62). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. 


Alas, R. & Elenurm, E. (2014). “Corporate Governance Development in a Rapidly Changing Economy: Trends and Challenges in Estonia”, In: Boubaker, S. (Ed.). Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets: Theories, Practices and Cases. (289−309). Springer. 


Schweik, Charles M. & Kitsing, Meelis. (2012). “Technological and Community Attributes”, In Schweik, Charles M., English, Robert C. (Ed.) Internet Success: A Study of Open-Source Software Commons. (57−79). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 


Alas, R. & Edwards, V. (2011). “Work-related attitudes in Asia and Europe: Institutional approach”, Engineering Economics, 22 (1), 24−31. 


Alas, R.; Elenurm, T. & Tafel-Viia, K. (2010). “Who is driving the change? Corporate governance and organizational change in Estonia”, Journal of Baltic Studies, 41(1), 23−43.  


Lepik, Katri-Liis; Krigul, Merle & Terk, Erik (2010). “Introducing Living Lab's Method as Knowledge Transfer from One Socio-Institutional Context to another: Evidence from Helsinki-Tallinn Cross-Border Region”, Journal of Universal Computer Science, 16 (8), 1089−1101. 


Kooskora, Mari. (2008). “Corporate governance from the stakeholder perspective, in the context of Estonian business organizations”, Baltic Journal of Management, 2 (3), 193−217. 


Alas, R. (2008). “Attitudes and Values in Chinese Manufacturing Companies: A Comparison with Japanese, South Korean and Hong Kong Companies”, Chinese Management Studies, 2 (1), 32−51. 


Public Media: 

Pajula, Hardo & Metsla Kaie (2023). Kõik hingab koos: tähenduse teejuhtide kahe esimese hooaja intervjuud. Tallinn: Postimees Kirjastus. 


Hardo Pajula (2016) Kassi nurinad. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus,  


Pajula, Hardo (2014). Majanduslik inimene ja poliitiline loom. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus,