Methods Lab

The Methods Lab at the Estonian Business School is a research facility dedicated to advancing the study of research methodologies and analytics. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and software, the lab provides students and faculty with the tools and resources needed to conduct rigorous quantitative and qualitative research. The Methods Lab supports a wide range of activities, including teaching, development, and employment of instruments for data collection, analysis, statistical modeling, experimental design, and simulation. By fostering an environment of innovation and collaboration, the lab enables researchers to explore complex business problems, develop new analytical techniques, and apply their findings to real-world challenges. Through workshops, seminars, and hands-on projects, the Methods Lab enhances the learning experience and prepares students to write their final thesis and colleagues to plan their research and conduct their analysis. 

Ravi Kashyap, PhD

Ravi Kashyap, PhD

Associate professor
Andres Karjus, PhD

Andres Karjus, PhD

Senior Research Fellow
Alar Kein

Alar Kein, PhD

Associate Professor
Riina Koris

Riina Koris, PhD

Associate Professor
Karmo Kroos, PhD

Karmo Kroos, PhD

Research and Development Programme Officer
David McBee

David McBee, PhD

Senior Lecturer
Niveditha Prabakaran Pankova

Niveditha Prabakaran Pankova, PhD

Assistant Professor
Renee Pesor

Renee Pesor, PhD

Senior Research Fellow
Kaire Põder

Kaire Põder, PhD

Marge Täks

Marge Täks, PhD

Senior Lecturer
Andre Veski

Andre Veski, PhD

Senior Research Fellow

Ongoing capacity building projects

Advancing economics and business research and innovation (RIS4SEB)

Project Coordinator at EBS: Karmo Kroos

Funding: 256 250 EUR

Funder: European Commission (Horizon Europe) 

Duration: 01.06.2024–31.05.2027


Karjus, Andres. (2023 | preprint). “Machine-assisted mixed methods: augmenting humanities and social sciences with artificial intelligence” 


Koris, Riina & Pello, Rauno (2023). “We cannot agree to disagree: ensuring consistency, transparency and fairness across bachelor thesis writing, supervision and evaluation”. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 48 (5), 736−747.  


Örtenblad, Anders (2023). “Introducing the Debate on the Legitimacy of Business Schools”. In: Örtenblad, A., Koris, R. (Ed.).  Debating Business School Legitimacy Attacking, Rocking, and Defending the Status Quo. (3−46). Palgrave Mcmillan. 


Kashyap, Ravi. (2022). “Are instrumental variables really that instrumental? endogeneity resolution in regression models for comparative studies”, Statistica Sinica, 32, 645−651.  


Kroos, Karmo (2022). Irony as a Method of Neoclassical Sociology: Toward a Reconstruction of Iván Szelényi’s Methodology. Turku: Åbo Akademi University Press. 


Kroos, Karmo (2020). “How to Become a Dominant or Even Iconic Central and East European Sociologist.” In: Demeter, T. (Ed.).  Intellectuals, Inequalities And Transitions: Prospects For A Critical Sociology. (69−127). Leiden: Brill. 


Kitsing, Meelis (2020). “Scenarios as Thought Experiments for Governance”, In: Bouckaert, Geert; Jann, Werner (Ed.). European Perspectives for Public Administration.The Way Forward. (103−125). Leuven, Belgium: Leuven Univ. Press. 


McBee, David. (2018). How Scientists Solve Problems in the Context of Biopharmaceutical Research and Development, University of Arizona. 


Kroos, Karmo (2012). “Eclecticism as the Foundation of Meta-theoretical, Mixed Methods and Interdisciplinary Research in Social Sciences.” Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 46 (1), 20−31.