His main research interests include corruption studies, institutional economics, labor economics and development economics. He has published articles in journals such as Kyklos; Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development; Frontiers in Psychology; Crime, Law, and Social Change; Post-Communist Economies; Knowledge Management Research & Practice.
Gaygysys obtained his BA degree from Ankara University (Türkiye), MA degree from Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) and PhD degree from the University of Tartu (Estonia). He has participated in short PhD level courses in Henley Business School (United Kingdom) and Linköping University (Sweden).
Before started working as a Senior Researcher in Estonian Business School, he was working as a Researcher and Programme Manager (BBA programme) at University of Tartu.
He is a member of Estonian Economic Association, Baltic Economic Association, World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research (WINIR) and European International Business Academy (EIBA).
His PhD dissertation “Essay on firm-level corruption” received the best thesis award from Eesti Pank (Central Bank of Estonia).
He also received the second place for his PhD thesis at the National Contest for University Students in Social Sciences organized by Eesti Teadusagentuur (Estonian Research Agency).
He received the Swedbank award for supervising the best MA thesis in the curriculum of Quantitative Economics on the topic "Corruption and Economic Growth" New Evidence from Satellite Data"
When he does not work, you can find him hiking in Estonian bogs, playing football, attending to comedy shows, or relaxing at sauna.Originally from Turkmenistan, native of Turkmen language, speaks fluently English, Estonian and Turkish.