Research Interests
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My main research interests include corruption studies, institutional economics, labor economics and development economics.
Some Publications
- Jaakson, K., Johannsen, L., Pedersen, K. H., Vadi, M., Ashyrov, G., Reino, A., & Sööt, M.-L. (2019). The role of costs, benefits, and moral judgments in private-to-private corruption. Crime, Law and Social Change, 71(1), 83–106.
- Kukk, M., & Staehr, K. (2017). Macroeconomic factors in corporate and household saving. Kyklos, 70(4), 563–592.
- Kukk, M., & Staehr, K. (2024). The impact of income changes on household saving behavior: Evidence from Estonia. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 205, 1–20.
- Kukk, M., & Staehr, K. (2024). Household indebtedness and consumption behavior: Evidence from microdata. Journal of Economic Psychology, 92, 102–120.
Ongoing Projects
- Multilevel Orders of Corruption in Central Asia
- Õpetajate pedagoogilise digipädevuse koolituse tõhusus ja tulemuslikkus
Courses Currently Taught
- Microeconomics (Estonian Business School)
- Emerging Markets in World Economy (University of Tartu)
Awards and Honors
- Swedbank award for supervising the best MA thesis in the curriculum of Quantitative Economics - 2021
- National Contest for University Students in Social Sciences among PhD students. 2nd Place, for PhD thesis: Essays on firm level corruption. - 2020
- The Eesti Pank research award 2020 for PhD thesis, 1st Place. 2020