Some traditions just last. After the end of every academic year, student feedback enables to elect the best lecturers of EBS.
- The best lecturer: Fabio Filipozzi
- The best language lecturer: Killu Mei
- The best lecturer at EBS in Helsinki: Eetu Rantanen
- The best visiting lecturer: Eriikka Paavilainen-Mäntymäki
- The best lecturer in the field of research and development: Kaire Põder
In addition to the best lecturers, also the best final theses are elected. The election board included : Marge Täks (Head of the Department of Management, Senior Lecturer), Katri Kerem (Head of the Department of Marketing and Communication, professor) and Meelis Kitsing (Head of the Department of Economics and Finance, professor). The students will be paid out the bounus fund of EUR 1500.
- The best final thesis in the field of economics and finance - Rasmus Leichter „Hedonic Pricing Model: Application in the Used Car Market in Estonia.” (supervisor Alar Kein)
- The best final thesis in the field of management and entrepreneurship - Silja Narusk „The Model for Using Big Data on Government Level in Combating Money Laundering.” (supervisor Innar Liiv)
- The best final thesis in the field of marketing and communication - Sirli Saar „Consumer Acceptance of Self-Service Technologies in the Estonian Retail Market.“ (supervisor Katri Kerem)