Studying Corruption in Central Asia Enriches EBS Students’ Doctoral Research

Hira Wahajat in Uzbekistan
It is not often that a doctoral student gets the chance to spend weeks in a host institution, fully immersed in studying a specific aspect of that country up close. But this was exactly the opportunity that Hira Wahajat Malik, Scott Abel, and Faisal Mohammed received when Estonian Business School (EBS) joined the MOCCA project under the guidance of Senior Researcher Gaygysyz Ashyrov. From Tallinn to Lund, Tashkent, and Bishkek, these EBS students embarked on an academic journey that would shape both their research and personal perspectives.

Led by Lund University, the Multilevel Orders of Corruption in Central Asia (MOCCA) project is the first of its kind—a research and staff exchange program focused on the multilevel and interdisciplinary study of corruption. With eight European universities collaborating with nine institutions in Central Asia, MOCCA provides an ideal framework for high-impact research into the mechanisms of corruption in the region.


Hira Wahajat: Unraveling the Green Transition in Uzbekistan


For Hira Wahajat, whose research focuses on the green transition and the role of institutional support in fostering stakeholder cooperation, MOCCA was an opportunity to examine these dynamics in Uzbekistan. What she found, however, defied her expectations.


“I was expecting a non-existent institutional setting for the green transition,” she admits. “But I was surprised to find that since 2019, the government had introduced policy guidelines and expected the private sector to start complying.”


Her research revealed a mixed picture: while official buildings in Tashkent are required to run on solar power, this policy remains largely unimplemented beyond the capital. Additionally, while international organizations like the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development push green policies, their influence is often limited to economically strategic areas, sidelining broader systemic change.


Beyond policy, Wahajat also observed societal and governance trends that caught her attention: “I didn’t expect to see such young people in senior government positions, or the absence of political discourse in daily life. It was particularly striking among university students.”


Her 30-day secondment led to valuable academic collaborations with Westminster International University in Tashkent, opening avenues for further research between EBS and Central Asian institutions. Already, she has presented her findings in a research seminar at EBS and is drafting a policy paper for Uzbek stakeholders. She is also working to integrate her insights into EBS’s Green and Circular Economy research group.


But it wasn’t all work. “I had a great time,” she shares. “Exploring Samarkand and Bukhara, standing at the crossroads of the Silk Road, and witnessing the blend of Eastern and Western influences was breathtaking. And the food? Incredible—I loved dumba.


Scott Abel (left) poses in Bishkek- (Abel)


Scott Abel: Investigating Gen Z’s View on Corruption in Kyrgyzstan


For Scott Abel, a late-stage PhD student and former journalist, MOCCA offered a chance to apply his media expertise in a new setting. His doctoral research focuses on the Estonian media landscape, but in Kyrgyzstan, he turned his attention to how Gen Z perceives corruption.


Through 20 interviews with students from across Central Asia, Abel gained firsthand insights into how corruption manifests in daily life. “Bribery is commonplace, and clan and kin loyalty often override institutional rules,” he explains. He presented his findings at EBS, connecting these observations to broader regional governance trends.


His experience in Bishkek also provided a real-world lesson in the informal economy. “Upon arrival, my landlord, clearly intoxicated, demanded rent in cash,” he recalls. “That set the tone for the kinds of challenges I would encounter.”


Conducting interviews on such a sensitive topic was not without hurdles. His host institution, the OSCE Academy, helped him build trust with respondents, but he had to carefully reassure them of data confidentiality before they would open up.


Reflecting on the experience, Abel says, “The best part of my secondment was parachuting into an unfamiliar environment, where I had to adapt my research methods in real time.”



Faisal Mohammed (second from the left) together with colleagues at Lund University- (Mohammed)


Faisal Mohammed: Understanding Corruption’s Impact on Education


A first-year doctoral student, Faisal Mohammed wasted no time in diving deep into research. With a background in East and Central Asian economic studies, he focused on the impact of corruption on education governance.


His one-month secondment at Lund University laid the foundation for his first PhD paper, in collaboration with researchers at EBS. Initially working with PISA data, he explored how corruption distorts education outcomes. A pivotal conversation at Lund led him to consider adding a qualitative dimension—through access to interviews on corruption in Uzbekistan—but ultimately, he maintained a quantitative approach.


His findings so far are striking: public spending on education appears to have a negative impact on student performance in corrupt environments. 


“One possible explanation is the crowding-out effect,” he discusses. “In highly corrupt systems, public officials divert resources to schools where they have vested interests, often at the expense of broader educational equity.”


This research is now a major focus of his PhD. The MOCCA experience not only accelerated his work but also expanded his academic network. “The collaboration opportunities I found at Lund are invaluable,” he says. “I now have new ideas and research partners to continue this work.”


MOCCA’s Lasting Impact on EBS Researchers


For all three doctoral students, their MOCCA secondments were transformative, shaping their research in unexpected ways. They returned to Tallinn with fresh perspectives, stronger academic networks, and deeper insights into corruption, governance, and institutional change.


The experience also reinforced the value of interdisciplinary collaboration. Whether through green transition policies, media analysis, or education governance, their work demonstrates how corruption weaves through different sectors, shaping economies and societies in complex ways.


As EBS continues to engage in international research projects, MOCCA stands as a testament to the power of immersive, on-the-ground research—one that will undoubtedly fuel new academic discoveries and policy recommendations in the years to come.


[Top image: Hira Wahajat in Uzbekistan- (Wahajat)]