Pagerr, a startup revolutionizing printing won the competition and translation platform Aligner came second. Both have several EBSters on the teams. Congrats!
Pagerr won the finals of the Estonian biggest business ideas competition Ajujaht and prize money of 30 000 euros. The startup is revolutionizing printing industry by redirecting printing orders to the unused areas, offering a cheaper price and saving the nature. Aligner, who came in second, received a 89 000 euros by Estonian investors.
Behind Pagerr are EBS Bachelor's Programme alumna Elo-Johanna Kuklane and alumnus of EBS High School, Rudolf-Gustav Hanni. Aligner team includes Sandra Roosna, alumna of BA, MBA ja EMBA programmes and PhD candidate Nazari Goudin.
Congratulations from the whole EBS community and good luck!