- Name: Mariell Toiger
- Graduation year: 2014
- Study programme: Master of Business Administration specializing in Export Management and International Marketing Management
- Workplace: Marketing Director at Paulig Group for Finland and Baltics
First corporate job: I got my first job when I was still in high school only 17 years old and was working in the finance department as an Accounting Specialist in the building materials industry. After that I decided to apply for a position of a Marketing Assistant at Paulig. That was 12 years ago and today I am still working for Paulig. The time has gone by quickly and has been extremely interesting, as throughout this journey I’ve been working in many different departments and positions, such as logistics, purchasing, sales, and marketing. During my 12 years in Paulig, I also graduated with Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree, and interestingly both of my theses were done on the topic of Paulig. It was a win-win situation as it created value to the company and enabled me to put theory into practice.
Current job description: For over a year now I have been working as a Marketing Director, taking care of all of our brands in Finland and Baltics - Paulig, Santa Maria, and Risenta. I am a team lead for 34 people from which half are in the Baltics and the other half in Finland. So I tend to spend my time also 50/50 between these two areas.
Dream job: My mom has always been a huge inspiration to me. Already in 7th grade I knew that I wanted to study economics, and in 10th grade I knew that it would be marketing. So, today I truly am at my dream job. The thing that really sparks up my eyes in marketing and leadership is that it connects the creative side with the analytical side so well, taking the best out of both worlds.
How I educate myself: I read lots of books. However, I am really one sided with the genre being business management, leadership and strategy. I also read Harvard Business Review on a monthly basis. What I appreciate about it, is that HBR has great articles that are based on facts and not opinions. But besides these two there isn’t really time for anything more. As I enjoy planning ahead, then of course I do have a long list of books that I am planning to read once I have finished the current ones.
Why I chose to study at EBS: There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, EBS has a very positive and dynamic image of having modern ways of teaching, openness for having international guest lecturers and putting effort in finding good ones! I was also recommended by a few people that Estonian Business School is an excellent university.
What I loved about studying at EBS: Looking back, what I personally appreciated the most, was having international lecturers with good work experience as it brings both the theoretical and practical side together. And as I am interactive, I also enjoyed studying/working in small groups where we had the opportunity to discuss and ask questions. This levelled up the quality of discussion in comparison to a lecture where the communication tends to be only one way from the lecturer to the students.
Key takeaways from EBS: I ended up graduating with not just one but two specializations! But it was not only about the attained knowledge, or degree - it was also about the experience. I personally relate very much to the improvement-oriented mindset in EBS – so to speak “If there is a will, there is a way”. Also, the group workshops and smaller lectures push the students to be more open and courageous to speak one´s mind, and aim for consensus in group work. It is always beneficial to strengthen that skill.
Looking back at the 2 years of studying, I never felt like I needed to do something just because I had to, I always felt that I had a purpose in my studies.
Personal motto: “Problems are actually opportunities to make a difference.”
“When it feels like there is no way, there is still a way.”
Recommended reading:
‘’Start with why’’by Simon Sinek
‘’How brands grow’’ by Byron Sharp
‘’Drive’’ by Daniel H. Pink
Alumni career advice:
I hope that people seek for a purposeful life and career. And seek to find your flow and hence be driven throughout the day, week, month and career.
Keep an open mindset so that opportunities can present themselves. And when they do, not to be afraid of taking on the challenge. It’s fine not to know everything beforehand, as you will learn.