Elina Valtonen, a member of the Finnish Parliament and Vice President of Kokoomus; Andres Sutt, Estonian Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology; and Peter Vesterbacka, Entrepreneur and Founder of Slush all emphasized that ability to attract new talents to the FinEst Bay Area and increasing flexibility for pursuing their career goals are most important factors in developing economic competitiveness.
Panelists pointed out that the Finest Bay Area is well-positioned in a global context for attracting talents in the discussion facilitated by EBS rector Meelis Kitsing. This implies that exploiting complementarities between Estonia and Finland as well as relying on economies of scale helps to make the region bigger and more attractive for current and new entrepreneurs in the future.
The FinEst Bay Area already has the most so-called unicorns (companies with a valuation of more than 1 billion US dollars) and venture capital per capita in comparison with other entrepreneurial regions. In order to leverage already existing capabilities, a stronger private and public collaboration across the FinEst Bay area is needed. Panelists pointed out that one area for such collaboration is keeping and attracting new company headquarters in the Finest Bay Area.
EBS Slush Side Event “FINEST Partnership in Innovation and Education” served as a forum for entrepreneurs, politicians, government officials, and the academic community to discuss innovation and education cooperation between Estonia and Finland. The event was organized on the Estonian Business School’s premises in Domus Gaudium, Helsinki.
The program included startup pitches from emerging entrepreneurs in the FinEst Bay Area. Maria Rahamägi presented an education startup Edumus and Peter Green from Rehaboo made a demo about exercise games. Gediminas Mickus from ScanWatch continued with transforming a checkout experience, Ludmila Dubtsova Born from First Women’s Academy promoted the largest community for women in Russia, and finally EBS student Anton Bratanow pitched Silento: a sky for memories.
Find all the event photos here: EBS joulukuu (elinagoleva.com)
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