As the first university in Estonia, EBS offers an innovative MA programme, which prepares managers and specialists to solve the challenges of the future world. In addition to making a profit, the need to deal with social, environmental and economic challenges has become an inevitable part of sustainable entrepreneurship. However, managers often lack the necessary skills to do that.
EBS’s future-oriented master programme Business Innovation in the New Economy teaches how to face the challenges of the ever changing world. The programme leverages the legacy of EBS in Business and Management and combines that knowledge with future-oriented practical skills that prepare you to take on the challenges today’s economy faces. The aim of the programme is to equip our students with the tools to positively contribute to our society as well as the environment while still focussing on profitable entrepreneurship. After a year of core studies, encompassing modern business education, the students focus their studies on a specialisation of their choosing – either digitalisation or green and sustainability topics
As an additional benefit the programme features a Double Degree track with Liège University in Belgium enabling the students to build an international network and gain exposure to the global business world.
Do you have a prior degree or an outstanding work experience already?
Then we, at EBS, provide you with an additional opportunity as well. Our 12 month programmes Leading Digitalisation & Navigating the Start-up Economy and Leveraging Green Economy Innovation are designed for people with prior work experience who desire to contribute more to building a better world. The Leading Digitalisation and Navigating the Start-up Economy programme provides you with insights on how to tackle the ever increasing speed and digitalisation of our work environment. The programme Leveraging Green Economy Innovation on the other hand takes up the challenges of the new Green Deal and enables our students to help their organisations in their transition to a more sustainable business foundation.
Let’s create a better world together!
In order to contribute to a new and better world, EBS offers scholarships to the best candidates. The allocation of the scholarship is decided according to the candidate's vision and ideas on the topic.
Are you ready to change the world or will you remain the one who is being changed? Find out here what EBS's innovative master's program can offer you!