Sustainable Circular Economy

The thematic R&D group on Sustainable Circular Economy is made up of an interdisciplinary set of scholars dedicated to advancing knowledge and practices that promote sustainable solutions and circular/green economy. With a focus on minimizing waste, optimizing resource use, and fostering regeneration, the interdisciplinary research team explores innovative and sustainable solutions to pressing environmental challenges. From redesigning production processes to implementing sustainable consumption practices, they investigate how businesses, governments, and communities can transition towards more sustainable and circular/green models of economic development. Through rigorous research, policy analysis, and industry collaboration, they strive to catalyze transformative change and contribute to a more resilient and sustainable future.  

Aleksandra Kekkonen

Aleksandra Kekkonen, PhD

Senior Researcher
Niveditha Prabakaran Pankova

Niveditha Prabakaran Pankova, PhD

Assistant Professor
Rene Pesor

Renee Pesor, PhD

Senior research Fellow

PhD candidates

Ilona Beliatskaya, Kristiina Esop, Emre Güven, Mihkel Kaevats, Hira Wajahat Malik, Denys Radiuk 


PhDs completed

  • Renee Pesor (2022). A Contingent Relationship Between Corporate Social and Financial Performance: The Role of Information Demand and the Signaling Environment 

  • Lea Roostalu (2015) Jätkusuutlikkuse suundumused Eesti kohalike omavalitsuse juhtimisinformatsioonis. Tallinna linna juhtumiuuring 


Micro-degrees offered: 

Green Transition and Sustainable Economy Foundations 

Sustainable and Green Finance 

Data-Driven and Circular Business Transformations 

Circular Economy Business Models 


On-going institution-building projects: 

A Nordic-Baltic framework for sustainable food systems 

Project Coordinator – Niveditha Prabakaran Pankova 

Funding: 77 500 SEK (incl. 50% co-financing) 

Funder: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 

Duration: 01.03.2024-31.03.2026 


Baltic Impact Accelerator 

Project Coordinator – Hira Wajahat Malik 

Funding: 64000 EUR 

Funder: Interreg Central Baltic 

Duration: 01.04.2023 - 31.03.2026 


Learning to be Green: An AI-enhanced multilingual online course for developing a green entrepreneurial mindset (L2BGreen

Project Coordinator – Regina Erlenheim  

Funding: 64371 EUR 

Funder: ERASMUS+ 

Duration: 01.04.2024-31.03-2027 




Completed research projects

Rohepöörde mõju välismajanduspoliitika ja ettevõtlusele (Green Deal impact on the external economy and enterprises) 

Project Coordinator: Meelis Kitsing 

Funding: 42 000 EUR 

Funder: Ministry of Foreign Affairs / NextGenerationEU a special temporary recovery instrument  

Duration: 17.12.2021–16.08.2022 


Research publications

Tedersoo, Leho; Sepping, Jaan; Morgunov, Alexey S.; Kiik, Martin; Esop, Kristiina; Rosenvald, Raul; Hardwick, Kate; Breman, Elinor; Purdon, Rachel; Groom, Ben; Venmans, Frank; Kiers, E. Toby; Antonelli, Alexandre. (2024). “Towards a co‐crediting system for carbon and biodiversity”,  

Plants People Planet, 6:18–28. 


Wojtczuk‐Turek, Agnieszka et al. (2024). “Sustainable human resource management and job satisfaction—Unlocking the power of organizational identification: A cross‐cultural perspective from 54 countries”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 1−23. 


Kekkonen, Aleksandra; Pesor, Renee; Täks, Marge (2023). “Stepping towards the Green Transition: Challenges and Opportunities of Estonian Companies”, Sustainability, 15(5), 4172. 

Esop, Kristiina & Kooskora, Mari (2023). “Institutionalizing SDGs and CSR policies in Estonia”, In Kathie Summers (Ed.). Exploring Cities and Countries of the World. (25−53). New York: Nova Science Publishers. 


Beliatskaya, Ilona. (2023). “Urban commons and smart societies” In Prana Krishna Biswas, Robert Dygas (Eds) Smart Cities in Europe and Asia: Urban Planning and Management for a Sustainable Future (30−42). Routledge. 


Pesor, Renee; Esop, Kristiina; Kein, Alar; Kooskora, Mari. (2021). “The Effects of Credence Goods and Country Development on the CSP–CFP Relationship Through Revenue Mediation” In: Joan Marques (Ed.). Business With a Conscience. (375−394). New York: Routledge.  


Lipscomb, Molly & Prabakaran, Niveditha. (2020) “Property rights and deforestation: Evidence from the Terra Legal land reform in the Brazilian Amazon”, World Development, 129, ARTN 104854.  


Jalas, Mikko & Mäkinen, Jukka. (2018). “Clean Energy: Lumituuli” In: Zsolnai, L O'Higgins, E (Ed.). Progressive Business Models. (173−191). Palgrave Macmillan. 


Kooskora, Mari; Juottonen, Miia & Cundiff, Katlin. (2018) “The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance (a case study from Finland)” In: Walter Leal Filho (Ed.). Social Responsibility and Sustainability: how businesses and organizations can operate in a sustainable and socially responsible way Springer. (World Sustainability Series). 


Kooskora, Mari (2015). “Corporate Social Responsibility in Estonia: Moving Towards a More Strategic Approach” In: Idowu, S.O., Schmidpeter, R., Fifka, M.S. (Ed.). Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe: United in Sustainable Diversity. (291−311). Springer. 


Katri Kerem & Kristjan Laugen (2004). “Estonian consumers' attitudes towards environmentally friendly products”. In: Walter Leal Filho, Arnolds Ubelis (Ed.). Integrative approaches towards sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region. (403−410). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang