Eesti Majandusteaduse Seltsi aastakonverents 2019

Head EMSi liikmed ja sõbrad!


14. Eesti Majandusteaduse Seltsi aastakonverents toimub Pühajärve Spa & Puhkekeskuses 31. jaanuar - 1. veebruar 2019. Seekordse konverentsi keskseks teemaks on majandusteoreetilised ja -poliitilised vastuolud, mida aitab mõtestada peaesinejaks kutsutud Gilles Saint-PaulGilles Saint-Paul on Pariisi Majanduskooli (Paris Sciences Lettres) professor ja Abu Dhabis oleva New Yorki Ülikooli külalisprofessor. Ta kaitses oma doktoritöö majandusteaduses MIT-s ja on varasemalt töötanud ka DELTA-le, Pompeu Fabra Ülikoolile, Birkbeck Kolledžile ning Toulouse Majanduskoolile. Ta on olnud Prantsuse Majandusnõunike Nõukogu liige ja nõustanud ka Münchenis baseeruvat EEAG gruppi. Tema uurimistöö keskendub makroökonoomika teooriale üldiselt ning arenguökonoomika, tööturu ja poliitökonoomia teemadele kitsamalt. Lisaks arvukatele artiklitele rahvusvahelistes teadusajakirjades on tema sulest ilmunud „The Political Economy of Labour Market Institutions" (Oxford University Press, 2000) ning „The Tyranny of Utility" (Princeton University Press, 2011).  2007 aastal autasustati teda Yrjo Jahnssoni medaliga, mis antakse välja iga kahe aasta tagant parimale alla 45 aastasele Euroopa majandusteadlasele.



31. jaanuar 2019 

08.00 – 11.15 – Buss: Tallinn- Pühajärve SPA stardib 8.00 EBSi eest (Lauteri3)
                            Buss: Tartu-Pühajärve stardib 10.00 Vallikraavi ja Liivi tn nurgalt, sest Liivi 4 ette buss seisma ei mahu)
11.15 –  11.30 – Registreerimine ja tervituskohv
11.30 –  11.35 – Avasõnad, Meelis Kitsing, Estonian Business School
11.35 –  12.15 –  "Overview of Estonian Economy", Ülo Kaasik, Eesti Pank
12.15 –  13.15 – Paneel: Current and Future Challenges to Pension Systems
Paneeli juht: Johanna Vallistu, Arenguseire Keskus
•    „Lessons from the Finnish Pension System” - Hannu Kahra, Estonian Business School/Universty of Oulu
•    „Impact of pension reforms to inequality in Estonia – analysis with (micro)simulation models“ - Magnus Piirits, Tartu Ülikool
•    „Challenges to the Estonian Pension System“ - Kaspar Oja, Eesti Pank

13.15 14.00 – Lõuna (buffee)
14.00 –  15.30 –  Session 1: Innovation and Business Models
Sessiooni juht: Karmo Kroos, Estonian Business School
•    „Export, Business Environment and Innovation: Evidence from  European Transition Economies”, Kadri Männasoo, Raul Ruubel, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
•    „Minimum Wage and Firm Productivity in Estonia”, Simona Ferraro (Tallinna Tehnikaülikool) Orsolya Soosaar (Tallinna Tehnikaülikool/Eesti Pank)
•    „Labour mobility and innovation activities of the firm: evidence from Estonia”,  Anastasia Sinitsyna, Tartu Ülikool


14.00 – 15.30 – Session 2: Economic Fragilities
Sessiooni juht: Kaire Põder, Estonian Business School
•    „How Political Ideology of Government Affects Health System Efficiency. Evidence from Parliamentary Democracies”  You Jun Shin, Tartu Ülikool
•   „Current Account Dynamics and Exchange Rate Regimes in Central and Eastern Europe” Kersti Harkmann, Karsten Staehr, Eesti Pank

•    „Multi-model Forecasts of Turning Points and Economic Fragility in Euro Area and Estonia” Dmitry Kulikov, Nicolas Reigl, Eesti Pank


14.00 –  15.30  - Session 3: Bretton Woods (eestikeelne sessioon)
Sessiooni juht: Kaspar Oja, Eesti Pank
•    „Keynes ja Bretton Woodsi institutsioonid "- Alari Purju, Estonian Business School
•     „Sõjakad valuutad"- Hardo Pajula, Estonian Business School

15.30 –  16.15 – Doktorantide postersessioon

Simon Byungjin Lee „  „Large Scale R&D Program Analysis for Creating Activities Subject to Increasing Returns"

Tarmo Pilving – „The rural tourism collaboration network identity model: the example from Estonia" 

Timur Kogabayev – „Business Model Innovation in Agri-Food Enterprise- a Case Study of Estonian Enterprises"

Liina Joller-Vahter – „Short-term rental of electric cars – embraced by whom?"

Kaire Vahejõe – „External factors influencing entrepreneurship learning process: Case of University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy"

Laura Kivi – „Spatial interactions of regional labour markets in Europe"

Tanel Hirv  – „Estonian research system internationalisation through the prism of bibliometric indicators: criticism and policy recommendations".

15.30 – 16.30 –  Doktorikooli nõukogu koosolek
16.15  16.30 – Kohvipaus
16.30 –  17.00 –  EMS aastakoosolek                            
17.00 –  17.45 –  Ülevaade liikmesinstitutsioonide tegevusest 

Ülevaate teevad: 
•    Tartu Ülikooli majandusteaduskond -  Maaja Vadi
•    Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli majandusteaduskond - Enn Listra
•    Eesti Maaülikool - Ants Hannes Viira
•    Eesti Pank - Tairi Rõõm
•    Estonian Business School - Kaire Põder

17.45 –19.45 – Spa külastus
19.45 – 21.00 –  Õhtusöök  


01. veebruar 2019

10.00 – 11.30 – Konverentsi peaettekanne: Gilles Saint-Paul "Useful idiots or manipulators? Some examples of  non-neutrality of economic experts"
11.30 – 11.45 – kohvipaus 
12.00 – 13.30 –  Session 4: Household Finance
Sessiooni juht: Kaire Põder, Estonian Business School
•    „What Explains the Gender Gap in Wealth? Evidence from Administrative Wealth Data” - Merike Kukk, Jaanika Merküll, Tairi Rõõm, Eesti Pank
•    „The Cost of not Choosing.  Analyzing Consumer Inertia in Car Insurance Choices" - Karin Jõeveer, Kaido Kepp, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 
•    „Joint or Separate Financial Assets of Couples: Evidence from Dutch Transactional Data” Merike Kukk, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool /Eesti Pank

12:00 – 13.30 – Session 5: Shadow Economy and Corruption
Sessiooni juht: Meelis Kitsing, Estonian Business School

•    „Role of Managerial Personality Traits in Firm Level Corruption: Evidence from Vietnam” Gaygysyz Ashyrov, Tartu Ülikool
•    „The Influence of Red Tape and Corruption on Firm Productivity” Gaygysyz Ashyrov, Isaac Nana Akuffo, Tartu Ülikool
•    „Shadow Economy in Estonia"  Olavi Miller, EBS VMK


13.15 – 14.30 – Lõuna
14.30 – 17.00 – Bussisõit Tartusse või Tallinna


Korraldustoimkond vabandab ette, kui konverentsi õnnestumiseks on vaja programmis teha operatiivselt väiksemaid muudatusi! 


Teeside esitamine

Kuigi me ootame eriti teie eesti- või ingliskeelseid ettekannete teese ning ettepanekuid terviklike sessioonide osas majandusteooria ja -poliitika vastuoludest, on nagu ikka teretulnud ka kõik teised ettepanekud erinevatest majandus- ja juhtimisteaduste valdkondadest.  

Doktorandid on teretulnud esitama kas tavapärase või posterettekande. Doktorikooli liikmetel tasub vajadusel trükikulud doktorikool (eeldusel, et nad ei ole akadeemilisel puhkusel või eksterni staatuses). Osavõtutasu katmiseks soovitame doktorantidel pöörduda palvega oma kooli poole.

Korraldajad ootavad teilt maksimaalselt 300 sõnalisi ettekannete teese hiljemalt 10. detsembriks 2018. Posterettekannete registreerumine toimub doktorikooli kaudu.
Teeside esitamine on lõppenud.


Osavõtutasu ja registreerumine


Osavõtutasu koos majutusega Pühajärve Spa & Puhkekeskuse ühekohalises toas ühele - 160 EUR

Osavõtutasu koos majutusega Pühajärve Spa & Puhkekeskuse kahekohalises toas ühele - 125 EUR 


Registreerimine on lõppenud!


Osavõtutasu (125€, 160€)  sisaldab konverentsiprogrammi,  bussisõitu Pühajärvele ja tagasi sihtkohta, ööbimist ühe- või kahekohalises toas, hommiku-,  lõuna-, õhtusööke. 

NB! Majutust konverentsi ajaks on võimalik broneerida kuni 15. jaanuarini 2019.



Eesti kauneima järve kaldal paiknev Pühajärve Spa & Puhkekeskus on juba aastaid üks Eesti armastatumaid puhkepaiku. Pühajärve on ideaalne sihtkoht nii tervisekliendile kui ka luksuslikuma spaapuhkuse sõbrale – laiast teenuste valikust leiab igaüks endale meelepärase. Maitsvaid roogi ning head äraolemist saab nautida nii pubis, restoranis kui ka imelise vaatega tornikohvikus. 

Hotellis on 82 kahekohalist kõigi mugavustega standardtuba. Kõikides tubades on kaasaegne sisustus, enamus tube on ka hiljuti renoveeritud. Vannitubades on põrandasoojendus. Hotellis on lift. Hotelli lobby-baaris, pubis, spaakeskuse vastuvõtus ja konverentsikeskuses on tasuta wifi kasutamise võimalus. Hotellil on valvatav autoparkla.
Toa hinnas sisaldub hommikusöök, hommikumantlite ning ujula, saunade ja jõusaali kasutamine. 


Tallinna inimestele algab konverents sõiduga Pühajärvele. Bussid Pühajärvele väljuvad Tallinnast, Estonian Business Schooli eest (A. Lauteri 3, Tallinn) ja Tartu Ülikooli Majandusteaduskonna eest (J. Liivi 4, Tartu). Tagasisõit Tallinnasse või Tartusse Pühajärvelt algab teisel päeval kell 14.45.

Korralduslike küsimuste korral pöörduge palun Kristiina Urbi poole –  või Kadri Osula –, telefonil 6651 386

In English

Estonian Economic Association (EMS) 14th Annual Conference Information

Next annual conference of the Estonian Economic Association to be held in Pühajärve SPA and Holiday Resort on January 31 – February 1, 2019. The theme of the upcoming conference is Controversies of Economic Theory and Policy.  


The keynote of the conference will be delivered by Prof. Gilles Saint-Paul
Gilles Saint-Paul is a professor at the Paris School of Economics (Paris Sciences Lettres) and holds a visiting position at New York University in Abu Dhabi. He has a Ph. D. in economics from MIT and has previously held positions at DELTA, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Birkbeck College and the Toulouse School of Economics. He has been a member of the French Council of Economic Advisors and of the Munich-based EEAG group. His work is on macroeconomic theory, in particular growth, labor market issues, and political economy. His publications include The Political Economy of Labor Market institutions (Oxford University Press, 2000) and The Tyranny of Utility (Princeton University Press, 2011) as well as numerous publications in international journals. In 2007 he was awarded the Yrjo Jahnsson medal, which is given every two years to the best European economist under 45.


Accommodation is provided in Pühajärve SPA and Holiday Resort  (3 hours driving distance from Tallinn, less than 1 hours from Tartu).  Located between 2 scenic lakes outside the resort town of Otepää, Pühajärve Spa & Holiday Resort is surrounded by a beautiful park. Pühajärve Spa offers rooms and suites with balcony and floor heating in the bathrooms.
The spa area features a big pool, a gym, and a wide range of massages and beauty treatments. A bowling alley with 4 lanes is available. There is an à la carte restaurant, a bar, and a café. The restaurant uses organic vegetables and other healthy products.
Wi-Fi access is available free of charge in public areas. The guarded parking lot can be used free of charge. 


In TALLINN the conference bus is leaving exactly at 8:00. The bus will be waiting for you in front of EBS  (A. Lauteri 3, Tallinn)
In TARTU the conference bus is leaving exactly at 10:00. The bus will be waiting for you at the corner of the Vallikraavi and Liivi streets! as the bus cannot come up to Liivi 4.

The expected time of arrival for both buses as well as people using their own transportation is 11:15. Upon arrival, welcome coffee and a quick snack will be served. It will be followed by the welcome remarks in the main hall. 

Transportation from Pühajärve to Tallinn or Tartu city center will leave from Pühajärve at 14.45 on the second day.



Participation fee with accommodation in a single room - 160 EUR
Participation fee with accommodation in a double/twin room - 125 EUR

Registration is over!

“Controversies of Economic Theory and Policy”

January 31, 2019

08.00 – 11.15 – Bus: Tallinn- Pühajärve SPA - Lauteri 3. Be on time!
10.00 – 11.15 – Bus: Tartu- Pühajärve SPA - Bus is waiting on the corner of Vallikraavi street and Liivi steet!
11.15 –  11.30 – Check-in and welcome coffee
11.30 –  11.35 – Welcome remarks: Meelis Kitsing, Estonian Business School
11.35 –  12.15 –  Ülo Kaasik, Bank of Estonia  "Overview of Estonian Economy"
12.15 –  13.15 – Panel session: Current and Future Challenges to Pension Systems
Chair: Johanna Vallistu, Foresight Centre
•    "Lessons from the Finnish Pension System” Hannu Kahra, Estonian Business School/Universty of Oulu
•    "Impact of pension reforms to inequality in Estonia – analysis with (micro)simulation models“ Magnus Piirits, University of Tartu
•    "Challenges to the Estonian Pension System“ Kaspar Oja, Bank of Estonia

13.15 – 14.00 – Lunch Buffet
14.00 –  15.30 –  Session 1: Innovation and Business Models
Chair: Karmo Kroos, Estonian Business School
•    "Export, Business Environment and Innovation: evidence from  European Transition Economies”, Kadri Männasoo ja Raul Ruubel, Tallinn University of Technology
•    "Minimum Wage and Firm Productivity in Estonia”, Simona Ferraro (Tallinn University of Technology) Orsolya Soosaar (Tallinna Tehnikaülikool/Eesti Pank)
•    "Labour mobility and innovation activities of the firm: evidence from Estonia”.  Anastasia Sinitsyna, University of Tartu

14.00 –15.30 – Session 2: Economic Fragilities
Chair: Kaire Põder, Estonian Business School
•    "How Political Ideology of Government Affects Health System Efficiency. Evidence from Parliamentary Democracies”  You Jun Shin, University of Tartu
•    "Current account dynamics and exchange rate regimes in central and eastern Europe” Kersti Harkmann , Karsten Staehr, Bank of Estonia
•     "Multi-model Forecasts of Turning Points and Economic Fragility in Euro Area and Estonia” Dmitry Kulikov, Nicolas Reigl, Bank of Estonia.

14.00 –  15.30  - Session 3: Bretton Woods (in Estonian)
Chair: Kaspar Oja, Bank of Estonia
•    "Keynes ja Bretton Woodsi institutsioonid "- Alari Purju, Estonian Business School
•     "Sõjakad valuutad "- Hardo Pajula, Estonian Business School

15.30 – 16.15 – PhD Poster session

Simon Byungjin Lee –  "Large Scale R&D Program Analysis for Creating Activities Subject to Increasing Returns"

Tarmo Pilving – "The rural tourism collaboration network identity model: the example from Estonia" 

Timur Kogabayev "Business Model Innovation in Agri-Food Enterprise- a Case Study of Estonian Enterprises"

Liina Joller-Vahter – "Short-term rental of electric cars – embraced by whom?"

Kaire Vahejõe – "External factors influencing entrepreneurship learning process: Case of University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy"

Laura Kivi – "Spatial interactions of regional labour markets in Europe"

Tanel Hirv  – "Estonian research system internationalization through the prism of bibliometric indicators: criticism and policy recommendations".
Kristiina Urb – "How to enhance collaboration between enterprises form cultural and creative industries and from other sectors - the role of the mental models".

15.30 – 16.30 – Doctoral School Board meeting
16.15 – 16.30 – Coffee break
16.30 – 17.45 –   EMS Annual General Meeting (open to all participants and overview of the activities of the institutional members )                         
17.45 –19.45 – Opportunity to visit Spa
19.45 – 21.00 – Dinner in Hotel Spa restaurant   


February 1, 2019


10.00 – 11.30 – Keynote Lecture: Gilles Saint-Paul (Paris School of Economics) "Useful idiots or manipulators? Some examples of  non-neutrality of economic experts"
11.30 – 11.45 – Coffee break and check-out from the hotel rooms
12.00 – 13.30 – Session 4: Household Finance
Chair: Kaire Põder, Estonian Business School
•    "What Explains the Gender Gap in Wealth? Evidence from Administrative Wealth Data” Merike Kukk, Jaanika Merküll, Tairi Rõõm, Bank of Estonia
•    "The Cost of not Choosing. Analyzing Consumer Inertia in Car Insurance Choices. Karin Jõeveer, Kaido Kepp, Tallinn University of Technology 
•    " Joint or Separate Financial Assets of Couples: Evidence from Dutch Transactional Data” Merike Kukk, Tallinn University of Technology /Bank of Estonia

12.00 – 13.30 – Session 5: Shadow Economy and Corruption
Chair: Meelis Kitsing, Estonian Business School

•    "Role of Managerial Personality Traits in Firm Level Corruption: Evidence from Vietnam” Gaygysyz Ashyrov, University of Tartu
•    "The Influence of Red Tape and Corruption on Firm Productivity”  Isaac Nana Akuffo, Gaygysyz Ashyrov, University of Tartu
•    "Shadow Economy in Estonia"  Olavi Miller, EBS VMK


13.15 – 14.30 – Lunch Buffet
14.30 – 17.00 – Transportation from Pühajärve Hotel to Tartu and Tallinn city center

The organizational team apologies if there is a need to make minor changes in the programme to insue the success of the conference!

Bus from Tallinn to Pühajärve (around 3,5 hours). The conference bus is leaving exactly at 8:00.
 A. Lauteri 3 Tallinn, Estonian Business School (EBS) See map here.
Bus from Tartu to Pühajärve (around 45 minutes). The conference bus is leaving exactly at 10:00.
The bus will be waiting for you at the corner of the Vallikraavi and Liivi streets!  See map here 


The expected time of arrival for both buses as well as people using their own transportation is 11:15. Upon arrival, welcome coffee and a quick snack will be served. It will be followed by the welcome remarks in the main hall. 


Eesti Majandusteaduste Seltsi aastakonverents 2018
Tagasivaade eelmisel aastal toimunud konverentsile