

New reader registration online
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Select library: EBS raamatukogu


From 22nd July 2024 library is closed.
We are moving.

You can return the books to a special box in the Main Lobby.




EBS Library is a special library, serving EBS students, lecturers, staff and the alumni of EBS. The collection is developed according to the needs of study programs and scientific directions in management, entrepreneurship, economics, marketing, finance, etc. On January 1st 2024 the library collection holds 8 131 items (33 573 copies) and 16 periodical titles. 55% of the collection is in English, 44% in Estonian,  and 1% in other languages.


New users are registered in online or in the library (I floor, room 162A). There is a special box for returned books in the Main Lobby of the building where students can leave their books outside of opening hours of library. If you want to pick up the books outside opening hours of library, write your wish and you can get them from the desk of ordered books, which is near books return box.

Reference books, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, textbooks, as well as periodicals can be used only in the reading room (II floor, room 234). Library services are provided on the basis of the library rules. Every year the library organises courses for the first year students to introduce them the library services, databases and other useful information.


On payment of a small fee the library also allows clients from outside EBS to borrow books and use the reading room.

Services of EBS Library

  • Lending books
  • Local use of final theses
  • A reference and information service
  • One-hour personal guidance - individual consultation appointment with librarian on a specific topic, incl personal video consultation via Canvas Conference course
  • Use of databases
  • Use of the reading room
  • Use of computers
  • Printing, copying, scanning
  • User education

Paid services

Training of Information Literacy Skills

Personal video consultation via Canvas Conference in English and Estonian. 

For arranging an appointment send the e-mail to Eda Pihu-Lainela.


On the first and second Tuesday of every month, EBS Library conducts orientation hours. Course „Training of information literacy skills“ is carried out for the students to introduce e-catalogue URRAM of EBS Library, databases ProQuest One Business , EBSCO and other information resources and methods of information retrieval on the Internet. Course duration is a 60 min lecture and practical test in the learning environment Canvas.


Next Courses in english    
14th October 2024 Room  15:45 - 17:15
12th November 2024 Room  15:45 - 17:15
10th  December 2024 Room  15:45 - 17:15




Phone: +372 665 1307


E-catalogue of EBS Library - books available in EBS Library and reading room.
To find theses defended at EBS choose type - Manuscript. To find e-versions of final theses choose type - Online publication.
List of doctoral theses defended at EBS.
Final theses defended at Estonian Business School - user guide.

User guide - e-catalogue of EBS Library.



eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
E-books on business, economy, finance, management, etc in English. 


ProQuest One Business
E-books on business, economy, entrepreneurship, management, marketing in English.


OPIQ - platform of e-textbooks of the AVITA Publishing House. In Estonian.



Databases in EBS


ProQuest One Business
The database permits access to e-journals, e-books, conference materials on entrepreneurship, management, marketing. To find scientific journals limit results to Scholarly journals, incl peer-reviewed.
Access from outside EBS local network - configure the VPN according to the instruction Windows, Macbook.

User guide of ProQuest database

ProQuest tutorials, videos

User guide for e-book download


EBSCO databases
EBSCOhost Web databases contain e-journals, e-newspapers, e-books and e-dissertations on economy, social and humanitarian sciences. To find scientific journals limit results to Scholarly journals, incl peer-reviewed.
Access to EBSCO with MyEBS account.
User guide of EBSCO databases.

EBSCO tutorials, videos.


Academic Search Ultimate
Database contains over 12,500 e-journals, incl 8,500 peer-reviwed journals on psychology, sociology, politics, literature, music, etc and permits access to 13,200 publications, incl monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.


Business Source Ultimate
Database contains over 2,300 e-journals, incl 1,100 peer-reviewed journals on entrepreneurship, marketing, management, accounting, finance etc. Enhanced Business Searching Interface - information about cited references, incl authors, articles, journals, etc.


eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
E-books on different topics: economics, management, entrepreneurship, marketing, finance, etc.
EBSCO database eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) - user guide.


Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
MasterFILE Premier
Regional Business News
European Views of the Americas : 1493 to 1750
Green FILE
AHFS Consumer Medication Information
Teacher Reference Center


Google Scholar

Scholarly literature - publications, books, journals, articles, research. 

User guide of Google Scholar


Google Books
E-books, journals.
User guide.


Scientific publications - articles, journals, etc. Free user account.

User guide.


Internet Archive: Digital Library
Freely available e-books, videos, movies, websites, etc.


Thomson Reuters Eikon
Thomson Reuters Eikon provides access to trusted news, data and analytics of various companies. Possibility to create tables and charts.
For getting password contact to

Support materials and training


National Library of Estonia Search Portal
The systematized retrieval system, incl databases, e-books, e-journals, etc. 
Sign in with ID-card or Mobile-ID.


Links to various research portals
Website of EBS Library – Subject Gateway – Research


The list of purchased newspapers and journals can be found HERE.

The periodicals can be read in the reading room of EBS Library (II floor, room 234).

New books

Overview of the new books in the library.

Subject Gateway

Subject Gateway permits access to different websites, databases, e-journals, reference materials, e-books, etc on the specific topics shown below. 



1. Eetika eng.png      3. Haridus eng.png


4. Juhtimine eng.png   5. Kirjandusteadus eng.png   6. Kultuur eng.png


7. Loodusteadused eng.png   8. Majandus eng.png   9. Majandusarvestus eng.png

10. Matemaatika eng.png   11. Psühholoogia eng.png   12. Rahandus eng.png


   14. Turundus eng.png   15. Õigus eng.png

Book exhibitions


February - June 2024

Book exhibition "Cultural diversities in the workplace"
The year 2024 has been declared the Cultural Diversity Year in Estonia.
The list of the exhibition can be found HERE.


Book exhibitions "EBS 35"

In January 2024 - "Professor Madis Habakuk - 85"
Memorial book exhibition.


In December 2023 - "Scientific literature of EBS faculty and alumni in 2018-2023“ 
The exhibition presents a selection of books, chapters of collections, written, compiled or translated by EBS lecturers and alumni during the years 2018-2023. 

The list of publications can be found HERE.


Online exhibition - "Time of silence - recalling people of EBS"
The book exhibition presents a selection of books written by deceased founders, honorary doctors, lecturers and employees of EBS.

Online exhibition - “The history of EBS through the design: labels, booklets, advertisements“

The exhibition presents a selection of booklets, advertisements, business cards from different times.

Book exhibition A selection of the most special books at the library of EBS


Personal bibliographies of EBS lecturers


Series "Personal bibliographies of EBS rectors"

Series "Personal bibliographies of EBS lecturers"

Series "Websites of EBS lecturers"

Useful links