Estonian Business School SA is a legal person, registry code 90013934, seated at A. Lauteri 3, 10114 Tallinn.
In the course of our activity, we collect and use personal data concerning you in order to offer better customer service, consultation and solutions and perform agreements entered into with you.
We protect your data and your privacy in all of the ways required under current law.
To ensure secure processing of the abovementioned personal data, Estonian Business School SA has established rules on processing, administrative regulations and other information-technology and physical data protection measures.
The measures for secure personal data processing apply to all information systems and human-controlled processes in use, including employees, suppliers, clients, service providers and other third parties who have access to the personal data processed by Estonian Business School SA.
The information contained in this Privacy Notice and Cookies Policy applies to personal data concerning individuals but not to the data of companies or other legal persons or institutions. However, the information provided in the Privacy Notice applies to the personal data of all natural persons engaged in professional activities (e.g. the employees of a company or organization). For example, if you communicate with as a representative of a legal person, we also register and use the personal data concerning you.
In our activity, we collect and use personal data concerning you in order to offer better customer service, consultation and solutions and perform agreements entered into with you.
That means we collect and use your personal data if/when:
- you have entered into an agreement with us or are considering doing so;
- you receive a personal consultation with an academic advisor;
- customized offers are prepared or sent;
- satisfaction surveys are conducted;
- ensuring the exercise of justified interest in harmony with the data protection rules established in the European Union;
- you have ranted us consent to use your personal data;
- it is our legal obligation to do so, potentially stemming from the following legal acts, for example:
- Law of Obligations Act;
- Taxation Act;
- Tax Information Exchange Act;
- Accounting Act;
- etc.
- it is necessary to do so in the justified interests of the Estonian Business School SA to prevent damage, strengthen security of IT systems or payments or for the purpose of direct marketing. We do so only if our relevant interest clearly outweighs your interest for your personal data not to be processed;
- if you communicate with as a representative of a legal person, depending on the content and extent of our communication, we may process your personal data for the following purposes:
- for fulfilling our contractual obligations and providing services;
- for compliance with legal acts in force;
- for the purpose of administration, including for the security, support and maintenance of our systems, platforms and other digital applications;
- for ensuring sufficient security during visits to our facilities:
- for carrying out inspections necessary for crime prevention.
In its everyday business activity, the Estonian Business School SA processes different personal data, including:
- personal data concerning employees (existing, past and future employees’ data);
- data concerning clients;
- data concerning website visitors;
- data concerning subscribers;
- data concerning owners/shareholders.
Special category of personal data
Estonian Business School SA does not collect, in the course of its economic activity, personal data revealing a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.
In the course of its business activity, Estonian Business School SA collects special types of personal data only if we need them to provide advice in connection with services or to offer service to you. We will ask you for explicit consent for the processing of special categories of personal data, unless we are entitled by law to process the special categories of personal data without your consent (e.g. for legally enforcing any claims we have).
We may also collect other personal data if this is necessary for providing specific services or if required by law related to provision of services, including for the following activities:
- customer management, consultation and administration;
- evaluating creditworthiness;
- development and management of our services and activities;
- marketing services;
- identification, and verification of identity
- debt collection;
- protection of you and Estonian Business School SA against fraud;
- responding to and complying with valid legal requirements;
We collect data directly from you or through tracking your activities, for example if you:
- complete applications or other forms in order to receive services;
- submit documents to us in hard copy or through electronic correspondence;
- call us;
- use our website and services;
- participate in our client surveys or promotional campaigns.
Our capability to provide advice you and offer you the best services depends greatly on how well we know you. For that reason it is important that you provide us with accurate and precise information and keep us up to date with changes.
We retain your data for only as long as necessary for the purpose for which we collected and used your data.
Third parties to whom we disclose your personal data
In some cases, we may disclose your personal data to third parties if:
• if you have asked us to do so;
• if required or allowed by law;
• if you have given us consent previously;
• if necessary for developing, maintaining and providing support for IT systems.
Examining your personal data
You will always be able to examine your personal data that has been collected and is being used as well as its sources and objectives for the use thereof. You are also able to receive information as to how long we retain the data and to whom and to what extent the data is disclosed. Your right to examine your personal data may be limited by legal acts in force, the rights of other persons for ensuring their privacy and the needs of our activities. Our know-how, business secrets, internal judgments and materials may also be considered among the information that cannot be examined.
Right to object
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, including in cases if we invoke our legitimate interests when processing data.
You also have the right to prohibit the use of your personal data for direct marketing.
Correction or deletion of data
If your data is incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant, you are able to request that your data be rectified or deleted, taking into consideration the limitations arising from applicable legislation and the rights related to the processing of data.
Limitation on use of data
If you believe that the data we have collected concerning you are not correct or if you have filed an objection to use of data, you can request that we limit use of the data to retention only. Use is limited to solely retention until it is possible to establish that the data are in fact correct or to verify whether our legitimate interests outweigh your interests.
If you have the right to request deletion of data, you can instead elect to request that we limit the use of your data to solely retention of the data. If we need the data we collected concerning you only for exercising or protecting our legal claims, you can demand that your data not be used other than for retention. Nevertheless, we may be entitled to use the data in another manner if necessary for exercising claims or if you have granted consent for such a purpose.
Withdrawal of consent
If your consent is necessary for use of the data, you may withdraw the consent at any time-. We draw your attention to the fact that if you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to offer you certain services. We will also continue use of your personal data for purposes such as performing our agreement with you or to comply with requirements arising from legal acts.
Right to data portability
If we use data on the basis of your consent or on the basis of an agreement and the data processing is automated, you have the right to receive a copy of the submitted data in an electronic machine-readable format.
Estonian Business School SA uses cookies on its website pages. Cookies are small text files that are loaded on to your device when you visit our website.
By continuing to use our website, you grant consent for use of cookies based on the rules of these terms and conditions. If you do not consent to use of cookies, you have the option of configuring your browser so that the computer does not save the cookies. In such a case, we cannot ensure that all functions on our page will work for you in the way that they should. For more information about managing and blocking cookies, visit
We use cookies to improve quality of service. We use cookies for collecting statistical data, remembering visitor preferences, and displaying ads.
When you visit Estonian Business School SA, our data analytics and advertising partners can also save cookies on your device (Google Analytics, Facebook, YouTube etc.)
Estonian Business School SA retains personal data strictly for the minimum required period of time. Personal data whose retention term has passed will be destroyed by using the best practices.
Estonian Business School SA ensures the protection and appropriate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures.
Access to personal data will be granted only to employees who have the necessary right for this and only in the scope necessary for achieving the objective arising from legitimate interest.
Estonian Business School SA warrants and represents that it adheres to the requirements pertaining to protection of personal data valid in the EU. Estonian Business School SA does its utmost to protect personal data. We process personal data only for definite and legitimate purposes and only in the extent necessary for those purposes.
Upon the occurrence of any incidents in relation to personal data, Estonian Business School SA OÜ will implement any and all required measures in order to alleviate the consequences and mitigate similar risks in future.
Notifications are offers sent to subscribers by way of the communication channel, which in the opinion of Estonian Business School SA may be of interest to a subscriber.
Notifications can be unsubscribed from at any time. To unsubscribe from newsletters, one can press/click the link at the end of the email.
By subscribing to the newsletter you grant consent for the retention and processing of your personal data pursuant to our rules. Personal data will not be shared with any third parties.
Estonian Business School SA treats your personal data pursuant to EU data protection and other legislation on protection of personal data.
Estonian Business School SA updates the current Privacy Notice and Cookies Policy where necessary. Changes may be the result of development of services and operating practices or legislative amendments. We recommend that you regularly examine the valid terms and conditions on our website.