Besides flues, blossoms and the "I-will-make-it-to-graduation-this-spring" attitude that we meet every spring, there's something else. Every spring, starting from 1999, the Golden Haba Gala has been the showstopper of the season. The Award has become the most desired award among Students, Alumni and Faculty. On April 12, the air was full in the city center of Tallinn due to the fact that yet another Golden Haba Gala was taking place. Let us introduce you the winners of 2019:
- Brain of the year - Marina Zimakosova
- Activist of the year - Kaisa Pilnik
- Housefairy of the year - Aime Urb
- Golden Alumni - Martin Villig
- Helper of the year - Sheila Süda
- Ebster of the year - Liisa-Maria Lillepea
- Exchange student of the year - Sutton Bremner
- Hebster of the year - Jutta Kumpulainen
- Teacher of the year - Anto Liivat
- Colleague of the year - Maarja Laos
- Partner of the year - Sihtasutus Archimedes
- Life-time award - Reet Talvik
- “Honorary award” for the extraordinary execution of EBS30 Gala and for the endless support to Student Council - Sirli Kalep
Congratulations to all the winners!
PS: It's already an honour to be nominated!