Therefore, we would like to inform you about the steps we take as well as the recommendations to and expectations that we have for you in order to master this semester in the best possible way. However, since we do not know how the situation will progress and if there will be new restrictions imposed by the government, these points might change during the semester.
In general, we plan to start our school year with regular classes according to your schedules. To do that we will provide you with the following additional services:
- All courses will have online support and will be recorded and provided to you through Canvas as well.
- We will enable you to keep the physical distance recommended by the government by organizing the courses accordingly and providing ample space.
- We will provide disinfectants all over the school in order for you to keep up the required hygiene regulations.
- We will take attendance in every class. Please be prepared to sign your name on the list, and by doing it, you will guarantee that you are feeling healthy and asymptomatic when participating in-class lectures.
In order to keep your fellow students, the faculty members, as well as the school employees safe we have the following recommendations to and expectations for you:
- If you feel even just slightly sick and have even light symptoms generally seen in Covid-19 patients (dry cough, fever, tiredness, loss of taste or smell, difficulty breathing, chest pains or stomach symptoms), stay at home, contact your doctor and take the online lecture provided to you.
- If you are required to self-isolate due to travels to a country that is on the self-isolation list of the government, stay at home and take the online lecture provided to you.
The country list for Estonia can be found here:
and for Finland here:
https://um.fi/current-affairs/-/asset_publisher/gc654PySnjTX/content/muutoksia-maahantulorajoituksiin-ja-matkustussuosituksiin-v-c3-a4lt-c3-a4-yh-c3-a4-tarpeetonta-matkustamista - Keep up the hygiene rules at all times. Wash your hands frequently, cough into your elbow or a tissue paper etc.
- We ask you to wear masks whenever you spend time in the common school areas (library, cafeteria, hallways, co-working spaces etc.) or in classrooms that do not allow social distancing. Should you forget your mask, please contact the front desk where you will be provided with a mask.
- Please throw the used masks only in the rest waste part of the trash bin.
- We recommend, that whenever possible do not take the public transport to school, but rather walk, take the bicycle (parking for free in front of the Tallinn campus) or your car (parking for a fee in the school backyard in Tallinn and for a fee in Salmiparkki in Helsinki).
- Please make sure that you arrive to the university well in advance before your classes start. That allows us to avoid big crowds in the common areas.
- We expect you to respect the social distancing rules at all times and show the respective solidarity in order to keep the whole EBS family safe.
Please download mobile app HOIA in Estonia https://hoia.me/ and Koronavilkku in Finland https://koronavilkku.fi/. With the app, you can quickly find out about possible close contact with a COVID-19 infected person.
- Please keep a close eye on the governmental guidelines and follow the regulations set by the governmental bodies in the country you are currently in.
If you are in doubt about any of the requirements and regulations, please do not hesitate to contact your study consultant. They will help you in whatever capacity they can.
Let us all do our best in order to keep everyone studying and working at EBS safe.
Many thanks for your understanding and your efforts in that regard.
Best regards,
Professor Meelis Kitsing