EBS and kood/Jõhvi Join Forces: Creating Educational Innovation in IT and Business Education

Estonian Business School (EBS) and the programming school kood/Jõhvi have started a collaboration to offer their students new opportunities in the fields of IT and business education. The first joint project will offer kood/Jõhvi alumni the opportunity to obtain a bachelor's degree in entrepreneurship from EBS in just two years. A year later, EBS students will have the opportunity to receive programming education at kood/Jõhvi.

Tallinn / 23.07.2024  


The aim of the cooperation between EBS and kood/Jõhvi is to create educational innovation, adopt innovative teaching methods, and experiment with new technologies. Students will be offered a unique opportunity to diversify and future-proof their learning paths.


Lauri Haav, CEO of kood/Jõhvi, comments: "Knowledge of business management and technology are skills that complement and enhance each other perfectly. Our goal is to offer technology and business enthusiasts the best of both worlds, which is why collaboration with EBS is a clear strategic choice for kood/Jõhvi. This cooperation allows kood/Jõhvi graduates to carry forward their work into a degree programme, and in the future, EBS's curricula will include technology education components from the kood/Jõhvi programme."


From autumn 2024, kood/Jõhvi alumni are welcome to continue their studies in the bachelor's programme at EBS, where they can obtain a bachelor's degree in entrepreneurship and business management in just two years. From autumn 2025, EBS undergraduate students will be able to specialise in software development in cooperation with kood/Jõhvi.


Martin Villig, EBS alumnus, honorary doctor, and co-founder of kood/Jõhvi, notes that Estonian technology companies urgently need employees with programming and business management knowledge. These skills are also essential for starting one's own company. Villig hopes that the collaboration between EBS and kood/Jõhvi will give new impetus to the success story of Estonian technology entrepreneurship, as it allows combining programming skills with the knowledge needed by entrepreneurs and business leaders.


Mart Habakuk, Chancellor of EBS, adds: "Great things are born out of collaboration. A significant part of Estonia's startup success stories is related to the creation of innovative digital platforms and services. Meaningful companies are born and grow when entrepreneurs, developers, and designers who share similar values come together. An entrepreneur does not need to be a developer, and a developer does not need to be an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur must know how to work with developers, designers, and increasingly with scientists. This is what we at EBS learn and teach daily with our partners. I believe that the collaboration between EBS and kood/Jõhvi will significantly contribute to the continuation of the success story of Estonian digital entrepreneurship in the coming years."


For more information:  
Kadi Truuleht  
Estonian Business School  
Marketing and Communications Manager  