The broader topic of the conference was Energy and Economy. The law of conservation of energy also applies in the economy, including organizations - energy is neither created nor lost, it can only change from one form to another. Where does energy come from and where does it disappear in the economy? How to ensure that people - both managers and employees - do not run out of energy? How to ensure that the energy does not flow out of the universities? The EMS conference was a good opportunity to take some time off and create new energy together.
The academic focus of the conference was on energy security, sustainability and climate change. The keynote of the conference were delivered by Annela Anger-Kraavi, Senior Research Associate and a lead of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), Cambridge University. Dr Annela Anger-Kraavi is an active researcher in the area of climate change economics. She is also a Director of Studies in Economics at Downing College, Cambridge.
In the panel session, Estonian politicians and practitioners in the field of energy discussed the topics of energy production, energy security and climate change.
EBS was also represented at the annual conference with the following topics:
Environment and green economy
Marge Täks, Head of the Department of Management, Senior Lecturer, PhD
"Estonian entrepreneurs' awareness of green transition"
Aleksandra Kekkonen, Senior Researcher, PhD
"Stepping towards the green transition: challenges and opportunities in the case of Estonian firms"
Energy and electricity prices
Renee Pesor, Junior Research Fellow
„The surging electricity prices in the eurozone as a consequence of monetary policy“
Education + varia
Kaire Põder, Chairman of the Research and Development Committee of Senate, Professor, PhD
„The student support system in mediating work-related dropout: A comparative analysis of four worlds of student funding“
Gaygysyz Ashyrov, Senior Researcher, PhD
"Mega-events and human right violations: empirical evidence from the long-term perspective"