On May 16th the EBS Alumni Golf 2012 tournament was held at the Estonian Golf & Country Club. The winner of the tournament was Neeme Org with 81 strokes. Janar Toomesso who also had a round of 81 strokes showed good competition to Org but Org won with the best results in the final 6 holes.
The event was attended, among others, by EBS founder Madis Habakuk, EBS Executive Training Centre Manager Peep Aaviksoo, Elisa Business Customer Unit Manager Jüri Teemant, the owner of the Argentina restaurant Mart Kutsar, the Manager of Büroolmaailm Jüri Ross and other EBS alumni members and friends.
Neeme Org also won the competition for the longest drive with his 300 meter stroke on the 13th hole and another for the stroke closest to the flag on the 10th hole. The HCP 18.5-36 group winner was Mart Habakuk with 42 points and second place went to Marko Pählapuu with 39 points. The HCP 0-18.4 group winner was Neeme Org with -1 and the second place went to Lauri Buntsel.
The winner's name will be engraved on the cup, donated for EBS Alumni Golf by the EBS founder Madis Habakuk. The cup dates from year 1889 and was bought from Bukowski Auction. It will decorate the rooms of EBS until the next Alumni Golf event.
EBS Alumni Foundation wishes to thank all the players, supporters and the sponsor Pharma Group and would like to welcome everyone to EBS again next week on Friday, May 25th at 14.00 for the IX Alumni Conference.