The workshop featured two insightful keynote speeches. Jaanika Meriküll from Eesti Pank and University of Tartu delivered the first keynote, titled “Women in the Labour Market: Now and Then,” which provided a comprehensive overview of the historical and contemporary challenges faced by women in the workforce. The second keynote, presented by Karsten Staehr from TalTech and Eesti Pank, explored “Economic Growth and Convergence in the Baltic States. What Can Macroeconomics Teach Us?” His talk shed light on the macroeconomic lessons learned from the growth and convergence experiences of the Baltic states. In addition, our PhD student Mehruba Haque (EBS) organised a session on effective poster design.
PhD students had the opportunity to present their research, receiving valuable feedback from fellow students and scholars. The interactive poster sessions allowed attendees to engage with the research exhibits, fostering lively discussions and knowledge exchange.
The event concluded with the presentation of awards to recognise outstanding papers of PhD students. Liina Rebane (PhD Student in TalTech) received the Vello Vensel memorial prize for her research paper titled "Wealth Disparities Between Elderly Immigrants and Natives: A Study of Estonia and Latvia," while Anastasiia Pustovalova (PhD Student in University of Tartu) was honoured with the Best Poster Award for her paper on "Gender-Biased Automation and On-the-Job Skill Requirements."
We extend our gratitude to our keynote speakers, Jaanika Meriküll and Karsten Staehr, for enlightening us with their expertise, and to all the participants for their active engagement. This workshop not only showcased the innovative research being conducted by our PhD students but also strengthened the academic community within Estonian universities. We also extend our thanks to Kaire Põder, Sigrid Lainevee, Karin Jõeveer, Tairi Rõõm, Jaan Masso and Gaygysyz Ashyrov and other colleagues for their efforts in organising this workshop.
We look forward to continuing to support and promote research excellence among our doctoral students. The PhD Summer 1-day Workshop was organised under the Estonian Doctoral School, project "Cooperation between universities to promote doctoral studies" (2021-2027.4.04.24-0003), co-funded by the European Union.