To live and study in another country and culture is a big step, and getting out of your comfort zone is not always easy, but it is hugely beneficial both in terms of personal growth and career advancement. We will now highlight a few reasons why you should take part in the Erasmus+ programme and spend a semester in one of EBS’s partner universities.
- Studying in a foreign university is an inspiring and enriching experience that might help you find your true path or give you a new business idea.
- Studying in a foreign country helps develop communication and language skills and teaches you about other cultures, expands your worldview and broadens your horizons.
- A semester abroad helps you gain experience and acquire skills valued by employers, such as proactivity and the ability to adapt and initiate new projects. More than 60% of employers find that Erasmus semesters abroad bring added value to your CV.
- Participating in a student exchange programme gives you a chance to travel, create life-long friendships and memories and become truly independent.
The deadline for applying to study abroad in 2020/2021 is 1 March 2020. You can submit applications for both the autumn and spring semester. The Erasmus+ programme for studying abroad comes with a scholarship. The Bocconi University in Italy and the ESIC Business and Marketing School in Spain are the most popular among our students. Favoured target countries also include Austria, France and Norway. In addition to going to Erasmus partner universities, EBS students can also study at higher education institutions outside Europe, e.g. in Japan, Australia and Argentina. However, by choosing a target country outside the Erasmus+ programme, do take into account that students are not given scholarships for the programme. The costs count towards the EBS tuition fees. Starting from 1 January this year, a 20% tuition fee reduction applies to all students who have entered into contracts to begin their exchange studies.
EBS recommends that Bachelor’s students go abroad during their third semester. There is a so-called mobility window for this in the curriculum, which means that the credit points completed in the partner university will be fully transferred.
- Read the interview with Mart Habakuk, Chancellor of EBS, on why you should spend a semester abroad and listen to the EBS podcast ‘Just Go’, where students share their Erasmus+ experiences.
- You will find a list of EBS’s partner universities and information on applying for the Erasmus+ exchange programme HERE. The application deadline is 1 March 2020.