Elina Valtonen, Member of the Finnish Parliament and Vice President of Kokoomus; Andres Sutt, Estonia Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology; and Peter Vesterbacka, Entrepreneur and Founder of Slush; will discuss the topic in a panel discussion facilitated by EBS rector Meelis Kitsing. The panel will be followed by networking and startup pitches.
Tomorrow it all begins, SLUSH 2021!
Estonian Business School is organizing a SLUSH Side Event "FINEST Partnership in Innovation and Education" in EBS Helsinki campus on 1 December at 16:00-18:00.
View here the updated event program:
16:00 Panel Discussion
Elina Valtonen, Member of the Finnish Parliament and Vice President of Kokoomus;
Andres Sutt, Estonia Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology;
Peter Vesterbacka, Entrepreneur and Founder of Slush.
*Panel facilitated by EBS Rector Meelis Kitsing
17:00 Networking and Startup Pitches
To secure a safe event during the covid-19 pandemic all our participants are required to present an EU Digital Covid Certificate (EUDCC) of a valid vaccination, recovery, or negative test result certificate when accessing the event.
The registration for the event has been closed as the seats have been fully booked.
Media is welcome to visit the event without registration.