Cyberspace is essential part of our daily lives and has brought diversification to our life and businesses. Effective protection of cyber threats requires preparation. And preparation means knowledge, skills, training and exercising,” said Toomas Danneberg, the Vice Rector for External Relations and Business Development and the head of Management in Digital Society MBA program at EBS, after participating as an observer at Strategic Decision Making Exercise on Hybrid/Cyber Threats in Vienna.
The exercise was carried out in cooperation with the Defence Ministry of Austria, European Defence Agency and other public and private sector organizations in order to help authorities and organizations investigate potential cyber threat scenarios in a simulation exercise. Altogether, observers from 21 countries participated, including from EBS and the representatives of our partner in Vienna - WU Executive Academy.
As part of Management in Digital Society program, EBS runs a similar cyber exercise and cyber hygiene course in collaboration with Estonian cyber security companies BHC Laboratory and CybExer Technologies in a mutual effort to increase the capability of future leaders to prevent increasingly severe cyber threats.
“The role of a university is to keep up to date, and to be a step ahead of what is happening in the business sector. Today, the leaders of organisations and companies need to have knowledge and practical experience not only in management and leadership, but also in technologies, and their influence on business operations,” Danneberg says. “Cyber security in business has been a distant, complicated and technical topic, which is why businesses are now sensing their vulnerability. Cyber security in business is one of the strategic areas of modern companies, without which it is not possible to survive in an increasingly digitised world. Our duty is to give leaders the knowledge and experience they need, and we are happy to say that we are able to achieve this with internationally recognised partners from Estonia.“
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