Research Interest
I am an education economist specializing in educational equity and inequality. My work focuses on applying quasi-experimental evaluation methods to contribute to evidence-informed education policies and practices. I have been a member of the European Commission’s expert group Investing in Quality Education and lead the Labor Market and Economics research group at EBS. My research spans higher education financing, school network efficiency, and social policy evaluations, with publications in various academic journals.
Some Publications
- Põder, K., & Lauri, T. (2022). The paradox of state-funded higher education: Does the winner still take it all? Education Sciences.
- Põder, K., & Lauri, T. (2021). Classroom, media, and church: Explaining the achievement differences in civic knowledge in the bilingual school system of Estonia. Large-scale Assessments in Education, 9(3).
- Põder, K., & Merkuljeva, T. (2021). The effects of external supervision on social workers’ engagement and perceived self-efficacy: A quasi-experimental study. International Journal of Training and Development, 25(2), 160–182.
- Lauri, T., Põder, K., & Ciccia, R. (2020). Pathways to gender equality: A configurational analysis of childcare instruments and outcomes in 21 European countries. Social Policy & Administration, 54(5), 646–665.
- Ferraro, S., & Põder, K. (2018). School-level policies and the efficiency and equity trade-off in education. Journal of Policy Modeling, 40(5), 1022–1037.
Ongoing Projects
- Competence Center for the Development of Financial Literacy
- Multilevel Orders of Corruption in Central Asia
- Õpetajate pedagoogilise digipädevuse koolituse tõhusus ja tulemuslikkus
- Põhihariduse järgsete koolikohtade jaotamise tsentraalne mehhanism ja selle piloteerimine
- Avalike teenuste aegruumilise kättesaadavuse tulevik: kohalike omavalitsuste efektiivsus teenuste pakkumisel
Courses Currently Taught
- Intro to Economics
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- History of Economic Thought
- Money markets and Monetary policy
- Game Theory
- Managerial economics
- Industrial Organization
- Institutional Economics
- Quantitative methods