EBS - Community for Growth and Responsibility

Knowing that the future arrives faster than expected and that a university must be able to glimpse into the future while staying in the present has been natural at EBS throughout its entire operational history. The vision of EBS for the year 2028 highlights keywords such as lifelong learning, internationalisation, collaboration, and the synergy of science and entrepreneurship – to name just a few.

Contemporary Business Education: A Laboratory for Lifelong Learning

The 21st century will go down in history as an era of rapid changes. Adaptability is increasingly important, along with the ability to notice shifts in trends, create something new, and offer solutions at an ever-accelerating pace. This has set business schools the task of being primarily learning and adaptable organisations themselves, to be able to offer students – both current and future leaders – the skills and new knowledge necessary to operate in today’s business world.


At EBS, bachelor`s  programmes include English courses in Impactful Entrepreneurship and International Business Administration, as well as an Estonian course in Entrepreneurship and Business Administration. Since 2016, the English-language International Business Administration bachelor’s programme has held the EFMD accreditation, the highest level of recognition for business schools. This accreditation is awarded only to business and management programmes with a significant international perspective and high-quality education. EBS has successfully undergone institutional accreditation by the Estonian Education Quality Agency (HAKA) and in 2023, EBS’s internship programme received the quality label of the recognised internship system from the Education and Youth Board.

In addition to offering quality degree programmes, EBS also provides training courses, learning bites, and personalised learning paths. University education is becoming increasingly individualised, taking into account the needs and pace of the learner. For example, as an alternative to the traditional two-year master's programme, a master's degree can be achieved by combining master's level courses and micro-degrees to create a learning path that best suits one's needs, specialisation, and schedule.



Thinking globally has been part of EBS’s identity from the very beginning, and developing international relations has been a continuous process. Today, EBS has over 60 partner universities, including high-level business schools in Europe, Japan, the USA, Australia, Argentina, South Korea, and elsewhere. International students from more than 40 countries currently make up about a third of EBS’s student body.



EBS alumni highly value the strong community and network that EBS has helped create, connecting students, alumni, and business professionals. This network is an essential resource that contributes to career opportunities and collaboration in the business world both in Estonia and globally.


Doctoral Studies - The Synergy of Science and Entrepreneurship

In 2022, EBS launched a unique practical doctoral programme in management, the Doctorate of Business Administration, which integrates academic knowledge and business practice. Business schools play a crucial role in training current and future business leaders – they participate in developing and testing new economic models. EBS, which has been operating for 35 years in the interest of Estonia's economic and business development, focuses on sustainability, circular economy, and digitalisation in both its research and teaching activities as well as in its everyday operations. EBS’s green and circular economy strategy states that the university's greatest impact on the environment lies in its success or failure in preparing specialists in the green sector and increasing the environmental awareness of leaders.

In the EBS Impactful Entrepreneurship bachelor’s programme, sustainability topics are addressed throughout all three years of study. The master's programme includes a one-year course on boosting green economy innovation (Green Economy and Innovation Boost, MA). In the doctoral programme, several doctoral students are researching circular economy business models and how to help companies implement the necessary changes. EBS is increasingly involved in incubators and business accelerators to bring new ideas, services, and products to life. For example, Startup Wise Guys and Beamline Accelerator, as well as Cleantech Estonia, operate at EBS.


Interesting Facts

  • Since January 2021, EBS has been using only green electricity.
  • As of 2023, EBS owns five solar parks in Tallinn with a total capacity of 500 kW. These parks produced 370 MWh of green electricity in the 2022/2023 financial year.
  • Plans are in place to increase the production of green electricity to at least exceed the total annual electricity and heat consumption of EBS and to account for the energy consumed by employees and students for commuting to EBS. The goal is to reduce both heat and electricity consumption year by year.

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