EBS Researchers Shine at the 27th Nordic Academy of Management Conference 2024

The 27th Nordic Academy of Management (NFF) Conference 2024, a significant event in the field of management research, took place in Reykjavik, Iceland, hosted by the University of Iceland (Háskóli Íslands). This prominent conference brought together scholars and researchers from across the Nordic countries to discuss the latest advancements in management studies. Among the esteemed participants were two dedicated researchers from Estonian Business School (EBS), Aleksandra Kekkonen and Ilona Beliatskaya, who made notable contributions to the conference.

Advocating for Sustainable Business Education
Aleksandra Kekkonen, an esteemed researcher at EBS, presented her co-authored paper titled “Leveraging Business Education for Sustainable Behavioral Change: Bridging the Gap Between Knowledge and Action.” The paper, written in collaboration with Anneli Veispak, was featured in Track 23—Business Education at Crossroads. The research focuses on the pivotal role of business education in transforming attitudes and behaviors, emphasizing the potential of educational frameworks to create a feedback loop that encourages sustainable practices among students. Kekkonen's presentation underscored the importance of integrating sustainability into business education (read more here).


Exploring Smart Cities and Urban Commons
Ilona Beliatskaya, a Junior Research Fellow at EBS, also showcased her research at the NFF Conference. Participating in the NFF PhD workshop, Beliatskaya presented her research on smart cities and urban commons, co-authored with Kätlin Pulk. This research is an integral part of Beliatskaya's ongoing PhD studies at EBS, where she is exploring the intersection of urban development and management.

In addition to her own research, Beliatskaya contributed to a collaborative paper with researchers from Oulu Business School, focusing on the business model framework in sustainable smart cities. This paper was also discussed during the conference, highlighting the collaborative efforts between Nordic institutions in advancing research on sustainable urban development.

The active participation of EBS researchers in such a prestigious conference underscores the school's commitment to contributing to global academic discourse on sustainability and business education. Their research not only reflects the innovative approaches being developed at EBS but also positions the institution as a leader in fostering sustainable practices through education and research.


For more insights, you can explore their detailed posts and reflections from the conference on LinkedIn:

EBS remains committed to pushing the boundaries of research and education, ensuring that our scholars are at the forefront of addressing the challenges of today and tomorrow.