Head of EBS Bachelor's degree courses Anto Liivat said that the new course offers a chance to acquire an internationally competitive higher education without leaving Estonia. "The curriculum is suitable for people who wish to study at a foreign university."
"Currently, traveling to many countries is complicated or impossible, but it is also possible to acquire an entrepreneurship education in Estonia as well, which is equal to getting education in top universities around the world. When the borders open, it will be possible to study abroad for a semester or a couple in a foreign university, whereas the tuition fee will remain the same as in Estonia."
The curriculum, in English, is unique in the world, because it requires taking no traditional courses and all the theoretical knowledge is acquired within the time of managing the company.
"Leaders and entrepreneurs often reproach that young university graduates have the necessary theoretical knowledge but lack the skills to cope with actual business problems because they don't know how to implement their knowledge in practice. The problem-based learning format means that the learning process is based on solving different problems that occur during managing the company, starting with finding the business idea, creating the company and leaving the business," Liivat explained.
The learning focuses on entrepreneurship in the digital age, which bears in mind the changed business models and prepares the graduates for leading companies that are based on innovative technologies.
"International studies show that successful start-ups are quite often founded by people rather in their 40s than in their 20s because experience becomes decisive. Founding and developing a company in the method of problem-based learning gives the students a chance to experience without taking risks. The modules of the curriculum are completed primarily in a teamwork format, and in addition to lecturers, students are supported by entrepreneurs, mentors and coaches. We cooperate with EBS alumni, among whom there are several successful start-up business creators, for example, the founders of Bolt and Veriff have studied at EBS. One of the goals of the curriculum is to contribute to the continuation of the success story of Estonia's new economy," Liivat added.
The alumni of the program will get the necessary knowledge and skills for founding and developing a company, they are ready to take action in an international business environment and be up to date with the opportunities and threats of the digital age. They will learn to create associations with the entrepreneurship theories, practices and experiences made in working in a team and to also solve problems, which occur when developing a company, EBS says.
Over the course of the three-year bachelor study period, students can study in a foreign university for a semester. "EBS has the strongest network of partner universities and a lot of them are some of the best business schools in Europe like EMLyon Business School, Universita Bocconi, BI Norwegian Business School, Kedge Business School and Copenhagen Business School.
During the autumn semester of the second academic year, the student can study optional subjects at one of the 60 EBS partner universities within the mobility window, with the tuition fee remaining at the Estonian level and an Erasmus + scholarship added to it," Liivat specified.
More information here.