Olav Aarna awarded the National Lifetime Achievement Award

At the Teacher of the Year Gala, held on 5 October 2024 at the Jõhvi Concert Hall, the National Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Olav Aarna, Emeritus Professor at Estonian Business School. According to the Ministry of Education and Research, Aarna is a key figure in shaping the education system, with contributions ranging from engineering sciences to promoting lifelong learning.

The world around us is constantly changing. However, we can be sure that Estonia’s dedicated education professionals are doing excellent work, which deserves recognition both on a daily basis and once a year at a national level. Outstanding teachers and other education professionals serve as role models, supporting the development of every learner and helping to create a better Estonia for the future.” With these words, the Ministry of Education and Research launched the 2024 Education Professionals Recognition Contest.


The Ministry of Education and Research recognised at the Teacher of the Year gala those educators and supporters of education whose work over the past three years, or lifetime, serves as an example to others. The awardees have made significant contributions to supporting student development, fostering collaboration, and implementing innovative teaching practices in educational institutions. The recognition event was organised by the Ministry of Education and Research and the Estonian Education Workers' Union. The Government of Estonia awarded annual prizes in twelve categories for outstanding professional achievements, as well as a Lifetime Achievement Award to one educator.


This year’s Teacher of the Year competition received a total of 1,620 candidates across 13 categories. The most active nominations were for categories such as Early Childhood Teacher of the Year (342), Basic School Subject Teacher of the Year (229), Class Teacher of the Year (191), and Primary School Teacher of the Year (182). Regional committees and a higher education committee worked to select the finalists. In the summer, the nominees and laureates in all categories were announced by the National Education Awards Committee. Candidates for the Lifetime Achievement Award were assessed by a national committee consisting of representatives from educational organisations, previous award recipients, and contributors to education.


Olav Aarna awarded the National Lifetime Achievement Award

The laureates and the Lifetime Achievement Award were announced on 5 October at the Jõhvi Concert Hall. At the Teacher of the Year gala, the Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Olav Aarna (EBS, Emeritus Professor, Chair of the Senate Ethics Committee, PhD).


The Ministry of Education and Research praised Aarna asa visionary, a distinguished scholar, and an internationally recognised education expert. With his engineering precision and determination, he has shaped the future of all levels of education, laid the foundations for Estonia’s qualification system, and championed the field of lifelong learning. He will be remembered as a founding member of the Education Forum and as the rector of two universities.


The Estonian Business School also honoured Aarna. Meelis Kitsing, Rector of EBS, stated: "It is entirely appropriate that Olav Aarna has been awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award. Professor Aarna's contribution to Estonian education and science has been diverse. He has researched both technological processes and the management of education. Professor Aarna has served as the rector of both EBS and TTÜ. He has shaped Estonia's education policy and supervised doctoral students. Such a broad scope is remarkable. I am very pleased that Professor Aarna's work has been recognised. Congratulations from the entire EBS community!"


In his acceptance speech, Olav Aarna focused on lifelong learning, emphasising that a teacher must be a very good lifelong learner, as only then can they create the necessary learning opportunities for others.


Laureates of all competition categories:

  • Kindergarten Teacher of the Year: Kersti Lookson, Tallinna Rännaku Lasteaed
  • Primary School Teacher of the Year: Tuuli Koitjärv, Pärnu Vanalinna Põhikool
  • Class Teacher of the Year: Kädi-Liis Ilves, Holstre Kool
  • Class Teacher of the Year: Pärt Kukk, Uulu Põhikool
  • High School Teacher of the Year: Aimi Jõesalu, Põlva Gümnaasium
  • AVocational Teacher of the Year: Anne Rudanovski, Tartu Kunstikool ja Kõrgem Kunstikool Pallas
  • Extracurricular Teacher of the Year: Pille-Riin Pärnsalu, Tartu loodusmaja
  • Support Specialist of the Year: Kaisa Hunt Lopes, Tartu Forseliuse Kool
  • Lecturer of the Year: Mati Roasto, Eesti Maaülikool/Estonian University of Life Sciences
  • Educational Institution Leader of the Year: Riima Velbre, Haapsalu Lasteaed Tareke
  • Ariend of Education: Taavi Kotka
  • Education Achievement of the Year: Educational programme Liikuma Kutsuv Kool

The laureates were traditionally awarded a small Joosep statue, holding a globe, symbolising the knowledge of the entire world. Through knowledge, the world is open to us and only a hand's reach away. Each category laureate received an annual prize of €10,000, while the Lifetime Achievement Award laureate received a prize of €65,000. Additionally, a monetary prize of €2,400 was awarded to all nominees in each category.

EBS warmly congratulates and recognises Olav Aarna and all other laureates!


ERR / Estonian Public Broadcasting
Ministry of Education and Research
Photo / photo gallery (Aron Urb)