Every little sweet tooth has hidden candy wrappers under the mattress at some point to keep them out of sight from parents. This behavior usually stays in childhood. However, in the modern world, new concerns arise, one of which might be an excessive attachment to your digital "smart friend," and spending time with it can be a sign of an unhealthy digital relationship.
Your phone is your last conversation partner at night and the first companion in the morning?
The smartphone really shouldn't be in the bedroom, where, as the name suggests, the focus should be on resting, not on staring at your phone. Of course, reading the news while lying on your back before falling asleep can be very pleasant, but the glowing screen with its blueish light wakes your brain up, which can make your sleep worse.
In the mornings, an alarm clock should wake you up, allowing your brain to wake up calmly and start slowly. If you immediately return to the same activities you were doing before sleeping, you’re missing an opportunity to stimulate a significant part of your thinking. Change your habits so that the smartest muscle in your body, your brain, can train itself.
You grab your phone just to check it?
Checking your phone without any specific reason is a habit. If you grab your phone after it vibrates, it can be called a reflex. The habit of checking your phone may stem from a fear of missing out (FOMO). Unless you are an emergency doctor, there is no vital reason why all the information in the world needs to reach you in a second. If you're constantly monitoring social media notifications, remind yourself that social media does not reflect anyone's real life, because the content created there does not align with reality. Social media showcases a curated and arranged life as people wish to present it. In reality, you're not missing out on anything valuable. The glossy image is just as artificial three hours later or tomorrow.
Hiding your phone usage?
Have you ever found yourself at a gathering with friends, sneaking off to the bathroom to use your phone? Have you been lounging on the couch at home, browsing the internet, and when your partner asks, "What are you doing there?", you awkwardly reply with "Nothing," while quickly hiding your phone? If you've found yourself in these or similar situations where you hide your phone use, it might be time to reflect on why you react or act this way. Hiding your habits might indicate a long-standing issue, best addressed by those from whom you are hiding your dependency – your friends and family. The first step towards a solution is acknowledging the problem, and those around you play a significant role in finding and implementing solutions.