Sales & Marketing

The thematic R&D group on Sales and Marketing is dedicated to advancing the understanding of effective sales and marketing strategies in today's dynamic business environment. Our research covers a wide range of topics, including consumer behavior, digital marketing, sales techniques, branding, and market analysis. We aim to investigate innovative (digital) techniques and tools to enhance marketing effectiveness and sales performance. By bridging theory and practice, we address current challenges faced by businesses, helping them to better engage with customers, optimize their marketing efforts, and drive growth. Our work supports the development of strategic initiatives that foster strong customer relationships and competitive advantage. 

Katri Kerem, PhD

Katri Kerem, PhD

Assistant Professor
Riina Koris

Riina Koris, PhD

Associate Professor

PhD candidates

Jovana Agu 

PhDs completed

  • Triin Veideman (2021) The Impact of Total Quality Management on Business Performance: Evidence from the Estonian Tourism Sector 


Micro-degrees offered

Management and Marketing in the International Business Environment 

Digital Marketing 

Digital Marketing with Google solutions 

Consumers, Society, and Culture 

Marketing Strategy 


Executive Training Programs

Tehisintellekti rakendamine turunduses 

Turundusjuhi arenguprogramm 

Kliendikogemuse tulevik: juhtimine, innovatsioon ja protsessid 


Ongoing capacity building projects

Facilitating Curriculum Reform and Implementation of Modern Teaching Methods at Yerevan Haybusak University (YHU)

Project Coordinator at EBS: Katri Kerem

Funding: 49 732 EUR

Funder:  The Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV)

Duration: 01.07.2024–31.12.2024


Research publications

Boadi, Portia Opoku; Liu, Yijun; Karikari, Ama Foriwaa & Sai, Andrew Adjah (2020). Co-Creation and the Factors That Influence a Consumer's Willingness to Co-Create Value. International Journal of E-Business Research, 16 (2), 17−31.  


Riitsalu, Leonore & Murakas, Rein. (2019). “Subjective financial knowledge, prudent behaviour and income predictors of financial well-being in Estonia”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 37 (4), 934−950. 


Boadi, Portia Opoku; Li Guoxin; Sai, Andrew Adjah; Karikari & Ama Foriwaa (2018). Customer dissatisfaction and unfavorable word of mouth. Human Systems Management, 37 (4), 442−448.  


Hasaan, Ali; Kerem, Katri; Biscaia, Rui; Agyemang, Kwame (2018). “A conceptual framework to understand the creation of athlete brand and its implications”, International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 18 (3), 169−198.  


Hasaan, Ali; Kerem, Katri, Biscaia, Rui; Agyemang, Kwame. (2016). “Athlete brand construction: A perspective based on fans’ perceptions”, Motriz Revista de Educação Física, 22 (3), 144−159.  


Koris, Riina; Örtenblad, Anders; Kerem, Katri; Ojala, Triinu. (2015). “Student-customer orientation at a higher educational institution: the perspective of undergraduate business students”, Journal of Marketing for HIGHER EDUCATION, 25 (1), 29−44.  


Koris, Riina & Nokelainen, Petri. (2015). “The student-customer orientation questionnaire (SCOQ): application of customer metaphor to higher education”, International Journal of Educational Management, 29 (1), 115−138.  


Kerem, Katri; Danneberg, Toomas; Oper, Jaanika; Norden, Aleksei (2013). “Consumer Attitudes and Behavior Related to the Adoption of Euro Before the Changeover”, Baltic Journal of Management, 8 (3), 1−12. 


Kerem, Katri & Laugen, Kristjan (2004). “Estonian consumers' attitudes towards environmentally friendly products”, In: Walter Leal Filho, Arnolds Ubelis (Ed.). Integrative approaches towards sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region. (403−410). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.