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I am a multidisciplinary scientist with a background in linguistics (University of Edinburgh, University of Tartu) and artificial intelligence (KU Leuven). My research focuses on the study of language, media, and culture, particularly changes over time and the evolutionary processes that drive them. In my work, I employ methods ranging from machine learning and statistics to cognitive experiments. In addition to my academic work, I also operate as an instructor and consultant in digital skills and artificial intelligence.
Some Publications
- Karjus, A., Canet Solà, M., Ohm, T., Ahnert, S. E., & Schich, M. (2023). Compression ensembles quantify aesthetic complexity and the evolution of visual art.PJ Data Science, 12, Article 21.
- Karjus, A., & Cuskley, C. (2024). Evolving linguistic divergence on polarizing social media. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11, Article 422.
- Karjus, A. (2024). Machine-assisted quantitizing designs: Augmenting humanities and social sciences with artificial intelligence. arXiv. (Forthcoming in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications)
- Karjus, A. (2024). Socioeconomic factors of national representation in the global film festival circuit: Skewed toward the large and wealthy, but small countries can beat the odds. arXiv. (Forthcoming in Journal of Cultural Economics)
- Karjus, A., & Cuskley, C. (2024). Conceptual similarity and communicative need shape colexification: An experimental study. Cognitive Science, 45(9), e13035.
Awards and Honors
- Riiklikult tunnustatud teaduse populariseerija 2024 (Estonian Science Communication Award)
Non Academic Publications
- Karjus, A. (2023, August 30). Tehisintellekt ja humanitaarteadused: kes vajab keda? Sirp.
- Karjus, A. (2023, September 1). Tehisintellekt seab juba sel sügisel koolid sundvaliku ette. ERR Novaator.
- Karjus, A. (2023, October 5). Minutiloeng: kuidas tehisaru humanitaare aidata saab? ERR Novaator.
- Piirimäe, K. (2023, October 6). Ajaloolane Kaarel Piirimäe: usun, et tehisintellekt aitab valenarratiive vähendada. ERR Kultuuristuudio.
- · Karjus, A. (2023, October 6). Mis asi on AI treenimine? Raadio 2.