20 September is the day when universities all over the world do sports throughout the day (or even the week) to promote a healthy lifestyle and bring awareness to the importance of sport in educational institutions. Created by the International University Sports Federation and officially proclaimed by UNESCO, IDUS has become a truly global undertaking over its 5 years of existence.
To give our contribution to this cause, some 40 EBSters went on a 30km bike trip that led them through the scenic Paljassaare and the streets of Kopli.
To match the spirit of the International Day of University Sports, the EBS crew was made up of very different people, including university students, high school students, alumni and the staff of EBS.
Our cyclists got to experience both well-paved bicycle roads and bumpy off-road trails, but however tough the tracks got our brave EBSters kept their smiles on and kept on pedaling, finishing their trip together with the sunset at the Tallinn City Hall.
The Head of the Student Council’s Sports Field Cathy Vivien Vahi summed up the event with the following words: “I am very glad that we managed to bring together so many different groups of people and still be active despite the difficult times”.
The next chance for all the EBSters to do sports together is on the 17 October when the IV EBS Olympics takes place at the Õismäe Sports Hall of games. Click here for more information.