We are extremely proud to announce that EBS partner university BSB is now a triple crown institution.
With its prestigious international AACSB / EQUIS / AMBA accreditations, BSB has joined a very exclusive club. Less than one percent of the 15,000 business schools in the world, a mere 120, have achieved this. After the AACSB reaccreditation in 2019, and the EQUIS reaccreditation in 2022, BSB is now also AMBA accredited.
The triple crown is the highest international recognition for a business school, specifically focusing on four pillars:
• the academic excellence
• the quality of international partners
• the strength of a corporate network
• the broad reach of research.
It is therefore wonderful news for BSB. Three accreditations reinforce their development and are the perfect launch for the 2027 strategic plan, as obtaining AMBA accreditation was among the first priorities as a gauge of excellence at an international scale.