Rector Almann says that he recalls the sayings of Mr Habakuk that he loved to use in front of the students and collaboration partners almost every day: "The members of the Alumni Council have also said that not all the studied subjects come to mind immediately, but the sayings of Habakuk are always remembered." Almann adds, that the credo of EBS established by Madis Habakuk 30 years ago is still topical and will also be in the future management of the school. “I think the most essential is the success of our people, i.e. students, alumni, but also the faculty and collaboration partners, that the university is contributing to day-after-day.”
"In today´s turbulent times it is also worth recalling the parallel made by Madis Habakuk between sleighing and management,” says Almann and adds, that “it is only possible to sleigh in case there are more people in front of the sleigh than in the sleigh, and those who try to step out need to be left behind. In such way it is possible to move on faster and keep balance in situations where the roads are winding and the people in the sleigh are alternating.”
Olav Aarna (EBS Rector from March 2000 to March 2003) recalls the time of joint work as inspiring and motivating. "What did I like about Madis? A clear vision about EBS and determination in its realisation. Despite some differences in opinion we never had a row. Although Madis was very demanding and persistent, he was also a very delicate person who never raised his voice when implementing his ideas. What made the difference was his authority and convincing approach, not a loud voice or fist.”
Professor Peeter Kross (EBS Rector in 2008-2011) is glad that many principles that were introduced by Madis are still important: “One of the most valuable lessons that I learned from him is everything related to the application of simulations in teaching. Madis was the first in Estonia who already started using management simulations in 1973. I was lucky to assist Madis as a young lecturer at Tallinn Technical University at that time and gain all the wisdom. I have passed on that inheritance from Madis to students and managers successfully until today.”
There has been compiled a digital collection for the 30th anniversary of EBS, where all the important people for EBS recall the past times and dream of the bright future. We also advise to read the memories and thoughts of other colleagues of Madis Habakuk starting from 1989. Read further here.
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