Additional information
My research focuses on financial markets, Refinitiv ESG scores, the corporate social and financial performance (CSP-CFP) relationship, the Estonian green deal, the financial effect of Estonian green certifications/labels on companies, the presence of green products and RnD spending affecting financial performance.
Areas of Expertise
- Stakeholder theory and CSP-CFP literature
- Refinitiv Eikon database
- R programming language
- Quantitative data analysis methods
Some Publications
- Güven, E., & Pesor, R. (2024). Exploring the effects of ESG scores and carbon emissions on abnormal stock returns: A two-step approach with random forest and panel regressions. In M. Kooskora & A. Kekkonen (Eds.), Performance challenges in organizational sustainability: Responsible leadership and sustainable management (pp. xx–xx). Springer, Singapore.
- Pesor, R., Täks, M., & Kekkonen, A. (2024). Factors shaping Estonian entrepreneurs’ green transition awareness. Business Strategy and the Environment, 33(8), 8436–8455.
- Kekkonen, A., Pesor, R., & Täks, M. (2023). Stepping towards the green transition: Challenges and opportunities of Estonian companies. Sustainability, 15(5), 4172.
- Pesor, R. (2022). A contingent relationship between corporate social and financial performance: The role of information demand and the signaling environment (Doctoral thesis in management). Estonian Business School.
- Pesor, R., Esop, K., Kein, A., & Kooskora, M. (2021). The effects of credence goods and country development on the CSP–CFP relationship through revenue mediation. In Business with a conscience (pp. 375–394). Routledge.
Courses Currently Taught
- Economics and quantitative methods
Non-Academic Publications
- Novaator. (2023, October 10). Uuring: Vastutustundetud suurfirmad kaotavad miljoneid eurosid. Novaator.
- Pesor, R. (2024, February 10). Vastutustundlik ettevõtlus. Vikerraadio.
- Pesor, R. (2024, March 5). The Green Transition in Estonia [Conference presentation]. Future Earth Congress. Estonian Business School.
I hold a PhD in Management Sciences. I am an index evaluator of companies at the Responsible Business Forum Estonia.