EBS Gümnaasium


Ettevõtlus ja digitehnoloogia

... annab teadmised ärist, ettevõtlusest ja digimaailmast. Ettevõtlus- ja digiteadmised tulevad kasuks igas eluvaldkonnas. Enamik organisatsioone sõltub kvaliteetsetest IT- lahendustest ning see vajadus kasvab seoses digitaliseerimise ja andmepõhiste teenuste loomisega. Sellel suunal õpitakse eesti keeles, kuid inglise keele tunde ja teemasid on rohkem, kui riiklikus õppekavas ette nähtud. See klass on neile, kes tunnevad ennast kindlalt reaalainetes ja soovivad edasi minna õppima erialal, kus nõutakse laia matemaatikat.  

Tuition fee
3800 € õppemaks õppeaastas *2024/2025 õppeaastal

Ettevõtlus ja Euroopa kultuurilugu

... annab Sulle teadmised ja arusaama maailma suurima majandustsooni toimimisest. Õppetöö käigus avanevad võimalused viibida rahvusvahelises keskkonnas avardavad Sinu maailmapilti ning aitavad mõista Euroopa kultuurilugu. Geograafiat, ajalugu ja ühiskonnaõpetust õpitakse selles klassis inglise keeles. Sellel suunal ei pea Sinu kõige tugevam külg olema matemaatika, sest võimalus on valida kitsas või lai matemaatika kursus.  

Tuition fee
3665 € õppeaastas
*2024/2025 õppeaastal
Eesti ja Inglise
Internatioal Class EBS High School

About High School

International class presents an exciting, challenging and fulfilling three years amid an ideal environment for international and local students who are willing to study 50% in English and 50% in Estonian. The class is an optimum size – we admit no more than 15 students each year. Tuition fee is 3200 euros per academic year. The fee includes all materials needed for study.

Estonian and English
Tuition fee
3800 € õppemaks õppeaastas *2024/2025 õppeaastal
3665 € õppeaastas
*2024/2025 õppeaastal
Eesti ja Inglise
Estonian and English

Õppeaasta avaaktus

- days - hours - minutes
Merle Antson

As soon as you walk in the door and meet the staff at EBS you feel it –people are interested in you, want the best for you and are willing to make an effort in order to come up with the best solution personally for you.

Merle Antson, International Business Administration BA graduated in 2013
Dasha Karpilovich

EBS really determined my career and helped me to discover what I am really interested in. For me honestly, doing Master’s at EBS was such a great experience in terms of the professors and lecturers that I had in my programme.

Dasha Karpilovich, International Business Administration MA graduated in 2016
Mariell Toiger

 I ended up graduating with not just one but two specializations! But it was not only about the attained knowledge, or degree - it was also about the experience. I relate very much to the improvement-oriented mindset in EBS – “If there is a will, there is a way”.

Mariell Toiger, International Business Administration MA graduated in 2014
Anett Kulbin

EBS is meant for an entrepreneurial person in any field with any interest. I think that it is very important to be able to implement and relate the profession, hobby, interest and ideas usefully and sustainably.

Anett Kulbin, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration BA graduated in 2017
Nick Vocht

EBS provides the perfect combination of professional lectures and social networks. Use both your acquired skills and the network from your experience at EBS, to successfully proceed to the next step of life.

Nick Vocht, Double Degree Program: Commercial Economics (Rotterdam, the Netherlands) + Business Administration MA (EBS, Tallinn)
Victoria Tääker

EBS has provided a lot of practical knowledge, a courage to act and acquainted me with many good active young people, who could help to do great things in the future.

Victoria Tääker, International Business Administration BA graduated in 2017
Kaarel Kotkas

EBS places great emphasis on entrepreneurial studies. Knowledge that I am able to put into practice the know how aquired during previous day in school enables me to make better managerial decisions, avoid typical mistakes and look futher into the future.

Kaarel Kotkas, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration BA student